GoPro Splice & Quik

Fanourios Kazakis
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2016

GoPro announced a week ago, two video editing mobile apps, Quik and Splice. Both of them are free and based on apps that GoPro bought from two startups. The plan is to integrate them with it’s own mobile application.

Splice is only available for iOS, which means that as an Android user, I’m not able to use it and evaluate it. With this app, you can edit video on your iPhone or iPad just like you would inside an editing suite. The great thing about it is that you don’t need a powerful system other than the one in your hands. Also, you can easily share your edited video.

Quik is available for both iOS and Android devices. So I got to use it before writing this post. The application is good looking and you can use it to quickly create an edit, as the name of the app suggests! There are some text animations and effects you can use. Also, you can use their music or import your own. For a beginner or for someone who wants to spent less than a minute to edit a video, it’s actually really useful!

On the other hand, the app offers some more advanced features, like trimming audio and video, cropping for Instagram, adding filters and text overlays. You still get the automated video but you can control, more or less, every aspect of it. Not bad!

Will it replace actual editing software? Uhm, no? But for someone who’s only filming with their phone or a GoPro and imports the videos to their phone, is an easy app and the results are quite fun.

The only downside is that when I changed the export settings to 1080p, Quik never managed to export the final video. It got stuck at 99%. When I unchecked the 1080p export setting, the video exported just fine, at a 720p resolution. This may be a problem with my device but it’s also important to note that both of the apps are new so they may have lots of bugs.

The file sizes are fine for their resolution and easy to upload to social media. As an example, for almost 40 seconds of video, the size was less than 27MB, pretty good.

So, I suggest anyone looking for a mobile video editor to check out the apps and find for themselves if they like them or not. Or, if you’re like me and using only Android, install Quik and play around with it. It seems like a fun app for editing videos on the fly. For you, it could be just what you need to make an awesome holiday/birthday/travel/insta/etc video!



Fanourios Kazakis
Writer for

fnsgr is Fanourios Kazakis. He lives in Athens, Greece and he is a Director and Cinematographer.