#RoomForTeam Meet Milena Founder of RoomForTea

The #RoomForTeam is a small, growing group of talented young entrepreneurs, coders and community builders. Our head office is London, UK, with satellite teams around the world. We are here to revolutionize #sharedliving and bring back mobility to the housing market.

2 min readFeb 12, 2018


We chatted with Milena, foundress of RoomForTea, about what motivates her to do what she does.

We sat down for a cup of tea (or coffee in Milena’s case) to chat about what motivates her to do what she does

“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?”

I like the idea of doing exciting new things every day, learning and getting creative. With my job, not one day is the same as another and that’s what makes it fun, interesting and challenging at the same time.

“What motivated you to start RoomForTea?”

I wanted to create a kickass brand that changes people’s lives in cities around
the world. I’m very fond of travelling and I like to experience local culture and find the best spots around the city. With RoomForTea I wanted to recreate this idea that you’ll find a home and people to share a meal, a cuppa, a great moment with wherever you go.

“What’s your go to “motivational” phrase?”

Most of Churchill quotes about success and failure are epic. I really like this one: If you’re going through hell, keep going.

“And finally, who inspires you most?”

I get inspired by a lot of people every day so it’s a hard one to answer but as for recently… I have to say Beyoncé. She’s such a powerhouse. She has so much talent, a fierce work ethic and her message has always been consistent. She’s built an amazing brand and is making a huge impact.

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If you are interested in joining #RoomForTeam, send us a CV and your thoughts about the #sharedliving opportunity hello@roomfortea.com




A Housing Network For Nomads. #SharedLiving #London