#RoomForInspiration Meet Tarka, RoomForTea host in London

Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018

We all have #RoomForInspiration in our lives. We want to share our favourite motivational stories from within our community and spread our #sharedliving vibes worldwide.

The more we get to know our hosts and guests the more we realise how many inspirational stories they have. This week we heard from Tarka about what motivates and inspires her. Tarka is one of our wonderful hosts in London. You can find out more about her and the 2 rooms she currently has available for guests here.

Check out Tarka’s profile to see more photos of her beautiful home

“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?”

There is so much I want to do! Having left my business a year ago, I am now actively seeking out all the things that I was ‘too busy’ to do in the past such as visiting art galeries, taking photos, & enjoying London as if I was a tourist & seeing it as a newbie but perhaps more importantly sharing my time with people & being in the moment of my life.

“What motivated you to become a RoomForTea host?”

I had the privilege of spending a year in Tahiti when I was a student & whilst I was there, I was looked after by a host of wonderful people. Back in those days, there was no internet or mobile phones so letters were my only contact with home & they were few & far between. These people looked after me & created a family away from home. I have always strived to do the same to people who come & stay. I have met some lovely people & hope I have had a positive impact on their time in London.

“What’s your go to “motivational” phrase?”

“There is a force within that gives you life. Seek that.” Rumi.

Rumi is a 13th Century Sufi poet & one of my favorite writers for inspiration. His saying resonate with me & each time I read something new, I feel it’s personal & worldly value.

“Who inspires you most?”

I don’t know if there is one single person that inspires me most as I try & learn of new people & new places constantly. I love learning of how people have persevered through their personal circumstances. But having said that, I am currently Re-focusing on Gauguin who lived in Tahiti & overcame many personal struggles. I am revisiting Tahiti after so long & can’t wait to see the Gauguin museum where I spent many hours writing my dissertation!

Tarka has two of the best rooms on RfT, check them out here.

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Have an idea for our next #RoomForInspiration feature? Say hello hello@roomfortea.com




A Housing Network For Nomads. #SharedLiving #London