#RoomForInspiration Meet Filipa, RfT’s new Space partner

We all have #RoomForInspiration in our lives. We want to share our favourite motivational stories from within our community and spread our #sharedliving vibes worldwide.

2 min readMay 21, 2018


We spoke to our new Spaces partner Filipa Do Carno, professional declutterer & founder of Khôra, whose mission is to help people make better use of their space at home. As an exclusive offer, RoomForTea is offering a complimentary 3 hour session with Filipa in exchange for listing your room on RoomForTea for two months… book your free session here!

“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?”

Breakfast and a shower are great motivators in themselves, but also the prospect of new challenges and, occasionally, my 2-year-old daughter asking me to play with her.

I run my own business called Khôra. Khôra means “space” in Greek, and sorting out spaces is my superpower! From wardrobe detoxes to redesigning rooms, I love helping people make better use of your space, trying to find the functional system that works best for each person, and one that is easy to maintain over time.

“What do you think is motivational/inspiring about RoomForTea?”

That it has “tea” on its name. I love tea!

That it’s more than a just place to find a room and focuses on supporting community building and connecting like-minded people.

“What’s your go to ”motivational” phrase?”

I love quotes… I have a truly inspirational Pinterest board with lots of quotes!

“To have what we want is riches; but to be able to do without is power” — George MacDonald

& “You got this, girl!”

“Who inspires you most?”

People are my main source of inspiration. I am a people person and I love seeing people achieving success, feeling empowered and changing their lives.

Do you have #RoomForInspiration in your life? Sign-up on our platform or join our community on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

Have an idea for our next #RoomForInspiration feature? Say hello hello@roomfortea.com




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