#RoomForInspiration Meet Janet, our amazing RfT host and Brixton-based Florist

We all have #RoomForInspiration in our lives. We want to share our favourite motivational stories from within our community and spread our #sharedliving vibes worldwide.

2 min readApr 30, 2018


Our RoomForTea community hosts are local, knowledgeable people who want to share their space and experiences with new-commers to the area. This week we spoke to our new RoomForTea host Janet. Janet has a room in Catford and owns a florist shop in Brixton. We spoke to her about what gets her out of bed in the morning and why she recently decided to join RoomForTea. Check out Janet’s room here“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?”

Janet’s peaceful home, on a quiet leafy street of Catford. Easily accessible by overground.

I run my own florist shop in Brixton Hill called Janet Edwards Florist. I love floristry and the design aspect of it. Also going to flower market early in the morning to see the hundreds of different flowers, colours, textures and smells. There are so many flowers in the world to go with different trends.

“What motivated you to sign up as a RoomForTea host?”

I enjoy meeting people from all over the world.

“What’s your go to ”motivational” phrase?”

When you’re down the only way is up.

“Who inspires you most?”

Myself and God.

Do you have #RoomForInspiration in your life? Sign-up on our platform or join our community on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

Have an idea for our next #RoomForInspiration feature? Say hello hello@roomfortea.com




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