#RoomForInspiration Meet Kayla, writer, yogi and constant traveller

We all have #RoomForInspiration in our lives. We want to share our favourite motivational stories from within our community and spread our #sharedliving vibes worldwide.

3 min readMay 14, 2018


The RoomForTea community continues to grow and we are inspired and motivated by each new person we speak to! This week we spoke to Kayla Kurin. Kayla is a writer, yogi, and constant traveller. Originally from Canada but currently bunked up in Europe, she’s travelled, lived, and worked in over 40 countries. Kayla will attempt to swim in any body of water she sees and has never met a 1 euro bottle of wine she didn’t like. You can find her book: Where Can I Find Wifi? Work Anywhere, Travel Forever: Tales Of A Digital Nomad on Amazon. Follow her adventures on Twitter and Instagram: @kaylakurin

“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?”

A great book or a new project always do the trick! But honestly, I get so many ideas for my work, that by the time morning comes I’m excited to get up* and start working on them, or at least get my ideas down on paper!

I should clarify that I don’t get out of bed for several hours. I wake up and usually start working on these projects from bed. Only my grumbling stomach or desire to start my yoga practice will pull me away from the covers.

“What do you think is motivational/inspiring about RoomForTea?”

I love that Room for Tea is providing spaces for digital nomads, location independent travellers, and business travellers who need a comfortable place to stay in a city for a medium amount of time. I know that for me, finding a good place to stay for a few weeks to a few months is always a challenge. As a long-term traveller, the places I stay end up becoming my home so I love that Room for Tea is looking to create those spaces!

“What’s your go to ”motivational” phrase?”

“I’d rather be rich than sweet” — Mindy Kaling

Kidding! Kidding. I came across this quote recently and it really inspired me:

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” ― Zora Neale Hurston,

“Who inspires you most?”

A lot of people inspire me! My friends who are doing things completely different from me always lend inspiration, as well as my other digital nomad friends because they make me feel saner. I’m also inspired by successful writers and business owners who also work towards social change by starting or supporting non-profits or advocacy groups. Some celebrities that inspire me are: J.K Rowling, Cheryl Strayed, Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling, Rachel Bloom…but the list is too long!

Do you have #RoomForInspiration in your life? Sign-up on our platform or join our community on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

Have an idea for our next #RoomForInspiration feature? Say hello hello@roomfortea.com




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