#RoomForTeam Meet Liz, Content Strategist

The #RoomForTeam is a small, growing group of talented young entrepreneurs, coders and community builders. Our head office is London, UK, with satellite teams around the world. We are here to revolutionize #sharedliving and bring back mobility to the housing market.

2 min readMar 19, 2018


The snow is back in London and we needed some serious inspiration to make it out of the house today. Luckily we had coffee and our Content Strategist at RoomForTea, Liz Chick, to hear about what motivates and inspires her.

It’s back to coat, scarf and hot chocolate weather.

“What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?”

I’m motivated by the fact that there’s always something new to learn, always a new problem to address, a new solution to find. I feel like I’m incredibly lucky to have spent the last year learning new skills and gaining new experiences and I feel motivated to put my new learning into practice.

“What motivated you to join RoomForTea?”

I’ve been doing a Graduate Programme called Year Here where a lot of my work has focused on the housing crisis. I also had a lot of problems myself finding somewhere to live that felt safe and was affordable, I ended up living in 4 places over the course of this year. I wanted to channel my knowledge and experience into helping to solve the problem.

“What’s your go to “motivational” phrase?”

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

“Who inspires you most?”

I’m inspired by people who drive things forward and who keep going. This year in particular I’ve met so many people who day after day get up and carry on with what they’re doing. They don’t always feel passionate about it, or love each and every task they’re doing, some days they really can’t be bothered or feel overwhelmed, but they keep going. They seem to be able to focus on the bigger picture, on the other people working on their own small part of the puzzle, and to draw inspiration and motivation from around them; I find that inspiring.

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If you are interested in joining #RoomForTeam, send us a CV and your thoughts about the #sharedliving opportunity hello@roomfortea.com




A Housing Network For Nomads. #SharedLiving #London