#SharedLiving Things that go bump in the night… with Sue.

What is shared living? Share a living space with people who have common ideas, ambitions, and interests. In a high-tech, low-touch world, the shared-living movement is helping to create great connections and opportunities amid the hustle and grind of city living.

3 min readOct 31, 2017


Happy Halloween!

Have you considered becoming a host on RoomForTea but been nervous about signing up? Worried about being spooked when you hear something go bump in the night?!

In the spirit of Halloween we’ve been hearing from hosts about what they were most afraid of when they were thinking of becoming a host…

This is Sue…

Sue lives in Toronto where she mentors students at the University of Waterloo and sits on the board of a tech company. She is a mother of two (and her daughter tells us gets very competitive while playing ping pong, funny she didn’t include that on her RoomForTea profile!)

Sue is a host at RoomForTea and currently has a guest living her; Molly.

Molly is a nutritionist who runs her own business in Toronto (MollyandErica) and has been living with Sue for 4 weeks.

Sue spoke to Jessa in Toronto about what she was afraid of when she was considering becoming a host, and what it’s really been like living with her guest Molly…

“I felt very nervous”

“I felt very nervous about becoming a host, I like my own space. I am 54 and it’s not like I am looking to make money. I was nervous about it becoming a problem with my husband and in having our freedom to be in our own home without having “guests” there. We are not traditional renters.
I was concerned that:

  • Molly wouldn’t connect
  • She wouldn’t like the living arrangement in the basement
  • She would be around too much

“It’s been great”

“It’s been great. She has contributed to our family environment. Her personality is warm, fun and relaxed. She isn’t around much but when she is she does her own thing. She is an amazing cook and by profession a nutritionist. Every Sunday she cooks up a storm and does meal planning which means less cooking for me. I also feel like I have contributed to her, with events happening in her life, which is very rewarding.”

“The other night I was trying to get my husband to do this new online meditation. He was downstairs working on his computer. I came downstairs and said “come up now”. Molly was on the phone in our living room, I turned to her and said “He is not listening to me Molly” and she just giggled. I can totally be myself in my own home and make fun of my husband. A second “Molly moment” I like happened in our kitchen, I was unloading the dishwasher and she was in the way, I hit her on the leg and I said “bouger, move” — it’s just very casual!

“It’s just very casual!”

We loved hearing from Sue about her experience with Molly and we’d love to hear from you too if you’ve got a #sharedliving story about overcoming the fear.

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