Roomrs Member Spotlight

Featuring: Uyen Ha, 22 MMA Fighter from Australia

4 min readMay 3, 2019


Our next featured member is Uyen Ha, a 22 year old student and professional MMA fighter, who is here in New York City for a 3 month internship!

Without further ado, let’s get to know Uyen and find out why she’s living with us!

I am a 22 year old Australian currently staying in Morningside Heights in Manhattan. I am a Law/International Relations student and a professional MMA fighter. I have wrestled for the Australian National team and also competed in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I moved to Thailand when I was 19 and have spent the last 3 years training and fighting out of Tiger Muay Thai, one of the best teams in the world.

I wanted to take a break from the island life. As counterintuitive as that sounds, balance is important.

Now I’m in Manhattan. What brought me to NYC was an internship opportunity. I decided to take a 3 month break from training full time, move to NYC, suit up, and intern at a non-government organization for the United Nations. I wanted to take a break from the island life. As counterintuitive as that sounds, balance is important. I wanted to experience what it was like to work a 9–5 in an office, and where else would be better than at the United Nations in New York City. (There wasn’t much option other than NYC as this is where the United Nations is headquartered.)

People usually go to Phuket for their holiday and leave their 9–5, but in my case I left Phuket to holiday in NYC and work a 9–5!

I have been here a month and am relieved to have found Roomrs. I looked at the different rental options and other coliving companies, but Roomrs offered a no-hassle move to NYC. Not having to worry about furniture, inspections, housemates or bills made the process stress free. It has made my transition from an island in Phuket to the hustle of Manhattan much easier.

Surprisingly, I’ve really acclimated to the hustle and bustle of the big apple. I love the business of the city! The shops, the galleries and museums and the nightlife. It’s a major contrast to the island streets of Phuket. One thing I’ve had to get used to is the amount of walking and the subway. Both are great, although I’m used to getting on my little pink moped!

I looked at the different rental options and other coliving companies, but Roomrs offered a no-hassle move to NYC.

Once I finish up in Manhattan it’ll be back to Phuket for me where I will prepare my next fight on August 22nd.

Which of our Core Values do you align with most?

Explore More — I want people to really look at their lives and be able to say that they are doing something meaningful for themselves. We are often so caught up with our work/study lives (especially in NYC) that we don’t spend enough time on ourselves. We don’t spend enough time investing in our passions, or even finding it. Coming from Phuket which is filled with people chasing their dreams, I’d love to be able to bring that to NYC. Take a step back and take the time out to explore, have fun and make meaningful connections.

Okay, now it’s time for one ask, one offer. What is one thing you are looking for from your community, and one thing you can offer?

I am looking for social media exposure! I want to be able to expand my network so that I can keep doing what I do.

I can offer many things, from talks to classes (introduction to boxing, jiujitsu, wrestling?). I’d love to share my story and be able to inspire change.

If you’d like to find out more about Uyen, check out her website or instagram @UyenMMA!

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