The Secret to “Adulting” in NYC

By Max Everson, Sales Lead at PeaPod

5 min readMar 19, 2019


A note from Roomrs:
Before we get into Max’s post… Have you heard about our launch event with Classpass this Friday, March 22nd??

It’s a “GLOW UP” HIIT class (complete with glow sticks!) led by Anwar Carroll from Tabata Fitness. Stick around after for a post-workout HH sponsored by our partners Peapod, Bevvi, and Sip Bar!

6–8:30pm at 651 Metropolitan Avenue, BK

RSVP & learn more here!

And now without further ado, onto Max’s blog about Peapod!

I want to be healthy, well, and wise. That means I need to eat right, sleep enough, and then sleep some more. I also want to exercise regularly, meditate, moderate alcohol consumption, see my friends, and call my family, on top of like 50 other things. I want to do all of that while also being great at my job. Should be doable, right?

That’s what I thought, at least, as I transitioned from a lifetime of playing ice hockey at a competitive level to the working world of New York. The reality was far different. I generally kept myself in good enough shape via healthy eating and working out when I played hockey, and never really had to question that aspect of my training. Now, it’s crazy how often I get up to a fourth floor walkup and wait a few minutes before knocking so people don’t see how out of breath I am. Point is, I find maintaining a healthy lifestyle more difficult than I thought it would be, and I doubt I’m alone.

Not too long ago I went to a panel where three experts spoke about how to approach a healthy lifestyle, touching on fitness, diet, and mental health. What a feeling coming out of there! I thought I had some new tools to really help strike the right balance in life. The next night I was out until 3 am, drank like a fish, and grabbed three slices of pepperoni pizza from Joe’s as a night cap. I woke up the next morning hungover and feeling like my head was three times more dense than usual. And since I was already feeling terrible, why not just order way too much Shake Shack for breakfast?

My biggest problem in the health and wellness arena is how I eat, and the downward spiral that I let myself fall into, as exemplified above. For me, this was/is the most important element to tackle while trying to strive for a healthier lifestyle post athletic career. And a trend I noticed was that I was much better at eating healthy if I was cooking myself. Even if I do find myself eating some grease soaked food late night, I tend to make myself something moderately healthy the next day when I’m the one cooking it. And if I cook throughout the week, it is usually a much healthier week than the one where I am constantly getting takeout. Let’s be honest, the options for unhealthy takeout and delivery are just so delicious and plentiful that it can be very hard to eat healthy when consistently eating that way.

For some, going to the grocery store and stocking up their kitchen is a part of their weekly or biweekly routine. For others, it is a time consuming hassle that rarely happens. I bounce between the two and some weeks I am on top of it and going to the grocery store, and others I just can’t be bothered. Sometimes it’s an unplanned Sunday hangover, sometimes it’s general laziness, and oftentimes it’s just a really busy schedule, but there is always something getting in the way of consistent grocery shopping in person. But in order to cook more and try to control my diet, I need to have groceries all, or at least most, of the time, not just occasionally.

It was fortuitous that I started working for Peapod as I was also searching for a realistic way to balance living healthy and work/social life requirements. Peapod is a grocery delivery service that will bring your grocery orders to your front door, is no more expensive than your local grocery store (it might be cheaper), and carries local brands, national brands, organics, fresh produce and everything else you would find in the actual store.

Incorporating a grocery delivery service like Peapod (which, in complete transparency, I didn’t do until I started working there) has helped me to plan my diet out more and plan some downright delightful meals at the same time, while avoiding some of the excuses I used before. Peapod was a solution that allowed me to plan ahead, and ultimately eat healthier while also making my life easier, not harder or more stressful.

My lifestyle and nutritional goals are not everyone’s goals, and I understand that. For people on a vegetarian, vegan, keto, gluten free, kosher, or some other diet, Peapod has filters that will show you ingredients and food items that fall into only those categories. Just type it in on the search bar. We also have meal kits tailored to some of these diets, in case you need some inspiration on what to make.

If you aren’t searching for a particular diet or nutritional guidance but you are just super busy, Peapod can save you time and still get you quality groceries, as we will deliver you groceries in two hour delivery windows of your choosing 7 days a week. If all you want is to be lazy on the weekend after a stressful week, Peapod will give you that opportunity as you can stay home and let us bring everything to you.

And now, Peapod and Roomrs are rolling out a partnership that offers the Roomrs community some great deals on Peapod grocery delivery. With a special code, Roomrs members get a sweet deal on their groceries PLUS the convenience of stocking your pantry while still in your pj’s.

PeaPod groceries at the Roomrs Townhouse!

If nothing else, I encourage you to use the Roomrs discount to try out a single Peapod order. If your story is at all similar to mine, it may give you another tool for your arsenal as you strive to live a more healthy and balanced life. Peapod isn’t able to eliminate the late night pizza run, the occasional unhealthy delivery, or an occasional aversion to eating healthy, I can tell you that from firsthand experience. It does offer a simple and convenient way to improve some of your eating habits however; if that is something you are looking to do.

Even if that isn’t the case, you will still find that Peapod can deliver you quality grocery items in an extremely reliable manner, and you never know when that might come in handy.

Start shopping today!

As a Roomrs member, you too can receive a discount on groceries from Peapod! Check out our listing now.




Curated Co-living. Live Smart, Live Easy, Live Well.