Against the Tempest

Alessandro Lettas
Rooms Of Light
Published in
Mar 21, 2023
Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash


inside my head

is lightning,

no bottle, nor might contains

the raging chains

that struck my mind;

left it broken, shambled,

shattered, unspoken.



inside my mind

as thunder,

dared to escape

lash out and take

what’s dear and kind;

left me hollow, faded,

perspectives shaded.



Along my self

the storm approaches,

everything falls to inner reproaches.

No light left to shine,

stolen what was once mine,

as crushing clouds roll,

take their toll on my soul.


Backed up

Against the tempest,

The king in me dethroned,

Hopes undone, disowned.

Clashing with this foe I lose all control,

Thunder roars in my woe,

Lightning strikes the final blow:

The storm rises and I forgo.



Alessandro Lettas
Rooms Of Light

Writer. Reader. Aspiring Novelist. Writing Fiction and Poetry in English and German.