Part 2:
A step-by-step case about creating a marketplace and how in 8 months, 7% of the local gym market customers registered on the platform.

Olga Nasonova
Roonyx BNPL platform
3 min readNov 20, 2020



Before UX testing the prototype, we defined the goal — an action that users should perform. In our case, the goal was to “sign up for a trial session.” If 80% of users reach the goal and click the “sign up” button-Success! In addition to the goal, we had a list of questions about some actions and buttons:

However, it took us ten interviews to understand that we urgently had to change the location of most of the buttons and their names. Here are the observations recorded during the interviews and our proposed solutions:

By the way, we prefer to record all interviews on video. In addition to the insights during the process, it is always useful to review and listen to the recordings. Usually, there are additional nuances that can be missed during the conversation.

In a couple of days, we discussed the upcoming changes to the prototype with Jacob, implemented them, and went back to testing. In terms of reactions and numbers, this time, things were much better. It was necessary to make final changes to the prototype and go on the development path.

We have compiled the observations from the previous UX research into a report.

Furthermore, we pointed out our solutions and which features we should include or remove from the MVP.

To make everything clear, take a look at the evolution of the platform prototype from the first drafts to the final version sent for development of the technical specifications:

It’s scary to imagine how companies used to launch their startups from a piece of paper without knowing the user’s needs. We saved so much money and time by eliminating unnecessary features and building a clear UX that will surely lead users to the desired button.

We translated the prototype and designs into technical language, listed the technical specifications, and moved on to the next step.

Check out PART 3 of the article!

