Multi-Disciplinary Thinking and Why We Need It

Transform the way you think about EVERYTHING, starting with the way you learn

Faisal Al-Tameemi
Education 2.0


A Multidisciplinary Approach is taking two or more completely different disciplines like Business, Engineering and Psychology, learning the connections between them, in order to innovate on solving complex real-world problems.

Let’s zoom in a bit to explore practical uses for understanding the connections between different disciplines.

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To relate this to your everyday life, whether you are a student, employee, or an entrepreneur. It is crucial to be skilled in a unique area, however in order to understand the world around you, you must be able to understand the big picture in turn resulting in comprehending the value of your skills and the strength of belief required to achieve your goals. These goals can be a dream job that you’ve wanted for the longest time, finding the courage to start your new business, excelling in school, or even better communication with colleagues and team members.

Who can benefit from Multidisciplinary learning? EVERYONE! but let’s focus on the following paths:

Students and Recent Grads

  • Understand who you are and where you fit in the practical world
  • Utilize your degree to find a job you’re passionate about in any sector
  • Understand complex concepts within hours of studying
  • Become so valuable that companies seek you out before you graduate

Engineers, Developers, and Technical Professionals

  • Reprogram your brain to understand complex structures
  • Master logic to build the base for learning any programming languages in less than a week
  • Build elegant solutions that can be explained to a 5 year old
  • Build products that are used by millions

Designers and Artists

  • Utilize a design process that boosts your work efficiency
  • Learn to build for the user, make your products irresistible
  • Communicate with developers and clients, turn your artistic vision into a reality
  • Set the standard for other designers by making your very own design process
Left to Right: Psychology, Engineering, Business, Multidisciplinary Network

Psychology — How to understand yourself, others, and world around you

Engineering — How to build world class solutions that solve real-world problems and challenges

Business — How to understand and commercialize any idea in the commerce world

Let’s look at some of today’s successful organizations where Multidisciplinary thinking is used:

Engineering + Psychology = Human-Centered Design!

  • Human-Centered Design can be thought of as a process used to give extensive thought to the user of your product or solution, this helps you to validate assumptions and come up with creative solutions. The way to create innovative solutions through this process begins by understanding that your users are unique, as we all are, and you have to account for how these users/clients interact with what you believe to be a great solution/product.

Business + Engineering = New Forms of Business!

  • The need for Engineers who can understand and be involved in the business strategy of an organization stems from the technological advances that we’re making in almost every major industry across the world.
  • Having Engineers who are capable of building businesses and contribute to their growth can remarkably transform organizations, not only through creating sustainable solutions, but also by creating new forms of businesses to serve the needs of emerging markets.

We’ll discuss more about connections of different fields in future posts! For the time being, if you are interested in learning more about multidisciplinary workshops or simply being involved in similar discussions, sign up to ROOT Education Meetup group.



Faisal Al-Tameemi
Education 2.0

Technical Entrepreneur & Software Engineer. Passionate about Education, Design and People.