5 Cross-platform Mobile Development Tools For Enterprises

Root Info Solutions
Root Info Solutions
3 min readMay 4, 2018

Mobile app development has become a ever-growing sector with the huge proliferation of mobile devices in enterprises. It can be a challenging task to create applications that boost productivity and efficiency of any organisation. Well, so as the mobile app development requirement, new and innovative development tools are also hitting the market. And when it comes to development tool, cross-platform mobile development is one of the top choice among the developers.

Market survey:

With the ideal development tools the developed apps holds capability to run across different mobile platforms. The demand for innovative tools is expected to grow in the following years. Source from Forrester reports that more than 60 percent of enterprises are already engaged in cross-platform development. Moreover, IDC showed the increase of cross-platform development tools at a compound annual growth rate of approx 38 percent, reaching $4.8 billion in 2017. And Gartner report is like icing on the cake for the mobile app development industry, which forecast 20 million enterprise apps to be in progress by 2018.

In this article let’s have a brief discussion on some of top cross-platform app development.

  1. Xamarin

Xamarin — a cross-platform development tool used to build native iOS, Android, and Windows apps. This is one of the top choice of developers; app development is simply achievable using a single shared C# codebase. With the C# type inference, the developers finds app more secure. Further, no need to worry about the testing, the apps developed with the platform can be tested on various devices via company’s cloud service. Some of the interesting xamarin include native API access, forms interfaces for sharing code, and integration with backends, as such SAP.

2. Appcelerator

Today, for any enterprise, mobile app security comes as the foremost concern. This is an enterprise-focused cross-platform tool, establishes numerous security capabilities at different level of development process which the first priority of any enterprise. The Appcelerator is open and extensible tool, used to develop apps for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry operating system. Moreover, when it comes to HTML5 and hybrid apps, this comes as an ideal tool. This framework has a platform-independent API to allow access over the native mobile functionality. With the single JavaScript codebase, it supports real-time mobile analytics for apps which helps enterprises to achieve excellent result. Well, leveraging Appcelerator cross-platform mobile development tools, developers build mobile applications that are quick, scalable and robust for any enterprise.

4. Alpha

Alpha is an exclusive option for the enterprise. For major mobile OS, this can be used to produce cross-platform apps. And, also fulfills application development for PCs and Macs. This tool uses JavaScript and HTML5. One of the recent addition in this tool makes it ideal solution to create apps that can be used offline.

5. 5app

Using 5app’s development platform, developers can build cross-platform apps for Android and iOS using HTML5 and JavaScript. Most importantly, it is also an enterprise-based tool and offers an enterprise app store service. Any enterprise can use it to operate curated app stores for employees.

5. Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova is Adobe-owned open source tool which is completely free to use. This is one of the reason that explain its popularity. The advantage of technology is leveraged to create robust development. The access to the toolset, help to developer to build mobile application faster.


Earlier, the developers had limited choice, and to develop an application, the code were written from scratch for every platform. This was a tough task and consumed a lot of development time. Well, thanks to cross-platform mobile app development tools, to impart native-like functionality to apps. Using simple extensions and frameworks, the code written once can be used to build highly scalable and dynamic app for enterprise.



Root Info Solutions
Root Info Solutions

Root Info Solutions is a UK-based web, iOS and Android application development company. The company was established in 2004 by Shekhar Juneja.