Things to Know to Efficiently Utilize Data Center Virtualization

Root Info Solutions
Root Info Solutions
5 min readApr 20, 2018
Image Courtesy: Pexels

Accelerating with a CAGR of 28.7%, the cloud data center market is estimated to reach $67.5 billion in worth by 2023, according to Business Wire. Why are businesses leveraging capabilities of cloud-based data centers? What is making them shun the traditional on-premise data centers? Does cloud-based architecture bring in some challenges, risks, and vulnerabilities? If yes, what are the best practices that infrastructure & operations (I&O) leaders should follow to avert the challenges and build a progressive enterprise harnessing the unlimited potential of the cloud-based data center? Today’s blog is focused on all these aspects. Continue reading.

Cloud-Based Data Center Existed Before It Became the Buzzword

It may sound surprising to some, but it’s a fact! Take note of these routine things from your life, and you will be bound to accept it.

  • Accessing webmails
  • Listening to online music
  • Streaming videos
  • Using online collaboration tools like Skype
  • Web-based project management software

All services — email, VOD, online music and online collaboration — are powered by some set of hardware and software, but the users stay oblivious to all the background complexities. They are only interested in utilizing the services.

So, there shouldn’t be any hype around the data center. The only thing that’s worth getting attention is that it has found a better job or application in enterprises. Enterprises can leverage theThough IT virtualization helps you cope with the changing business needs, Internet of Things or Internet-connected objects should communicate well with the operating system a user has on his or her machine. It’s a big relief that challenges OS installation, activation, update, and upgrade are over with cloud-based I-a-a-S services, but the disparity regarding OS types and versions throws in new challenges. IT decision-makers have a key role to play in this regard. They need to wisely choose the right I-a-a-S service provider based on the existing and emerging demands, and configure and manage the service well to ensure that every end-user gets a fair share of the IT resources.

enormous compute, memory, and storage capacities of data centers against a pay-as-you-go subscription models. They can switch from one plan to another as and when required to cope with the growing market demand. This flexibility was a distant dream with on-premise traditional data centers. Any fluctuation in business demands needed resetting or configuring the physical data center, so scaling up or scaling down was a big challenge.

5 Things-to-Do to Better Utilize Data Center Capability

  1. Device Management

With the rise in the number of devices accessing critical enterprise data, it has become essential for IO leaders to adopt a solid IT strategy to control, regulate and secure data. Here comes the role of finding the right device management solution. The most critical aspect of it is to respond to the challenges imposed by BYOD and Internet of Things.

Managing the data access through mobile and IoT-connected devices, as their number continues to grow, is a daunting task that requires stupendous IT planning. However, the business value propositions are vital: better control of devices and quick and secure access to data contribute a lot towards driving the workforce productivity.

2. Application Management

Today an enterprise uses a wide range of applications. In fact, there is an application for every operation. Production is managed with one, quality compliance with another, for sales and marketing there are a different bunch of apps, for customer service, there is a distinct, so on and so forth. Then there are engaging and innovative apps based on AI and IoT. Perhaps, there is an endless list of applications and, not to surprise, the list only increases to accommodate more apps.

Since applications serve as productivity tools for enterprises, they deserve receiving attention. From application planning to design and development to testing, integration, and deployment, every aspect should be covered. Hence, enterprises that genuinely want to capitalize on technology and outpace competition must have a team of UI-UX designers, developers and QAs well-versed with Agile application development methodology. IoT application development must be pursued intelligently. A built IoT app must exhibit compatibility with the systems, devices or network it’s going to connect with. Once the apps become part of the enterprise ecosystem, they must work in harmony. Hence, a prudential and efficient management of applications is a must for enterprises to survive and thrive.

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3. Containerization

Containerization helps with increasing the accessibility to enterprise applications and data stored in the data center. However, the most significant advantage is that each app running through containerization can share the same operating system. It’s different from virtualization where for every app, a different virtual operating system is assigned. Hence, it contributes towards resource saving.

Since containerization is a relatively new IT solution, there are not too many technology experts in the market. Besides, since applications are abstracted from the host OS on a VM, experts issue caveat regarding the high probability of data breach or vulnerabilities. Hence, your in-house IT team should stay on alert in the early days of technology adoption.

4. Email Management

Despite the availability of so many communication channels, there is no complete substitute for emails. However, accessibility, performance, and security challenges are always part of email communication. Fortunately, some of the concerns have been addressed with cloud-based email solutions. However, citing the expansion of BYOD, and growing volume of email data, it’s imperative that you an adopt an efficient email management solution.

A business might be having a corporate email, but it’s partners and customers might not be using the same to communicate with the business. Therefore, I&O leaders should deploy the right email management practices to ensure accessibility, security, continuity, archiving and more. A robust email management is instrumental in keeping people connected and productive. It also helps with building a sound rapport with customers.

5. Operating System Management

Though IT virtualization helps you cope with the changing business needs, Internet of Things or Internet-connected objects should communicate well with the operating system a user has on his or her machine. It’s a big relief that challenges OS installation, activation, update, and upgrade are over with cloud-based I-a-a-S services, but the disparity regarding OS types and versions throws in neInternet of Things or Internet-connected objectsw challenges. IT decision-makers have a key role to play in this regard. They need to wisely choose the right I-a-a-S service provider based on the existing and emerging demands, and configure and manage the service well to ensure that every end-user gets a fair share of the IT resources.



Root Info Solutions
Root Info Solutions

Root Info Solutions is a UK-based web, iOS and Android application development company. The company was established in 2004 by Shekhar Juneja.