Top 10 Tech Platforms to Create Chatbots for Website

Root Info Solutions
Root Info Solutions
5 min readFeb 19, 2018

As a website owner, you might have noticed what user engagement and conversion metrics your competitors are following. It’s quite possible you have come across chatbots and have thought as to get one for your website. Chatbots are not just a fancy item that a website shall possess, it’s becoming a necessity as more and more users nowadays are interested in self-service. Whether it’s banking, insurance, retail, hospitality or any other website, users feel comfortable in getting tasks done with a chatbot.

This blog details the capabilities and resources of top 10 chatbot platforms that the world knows.

Non-Coding Chatbot Platforms

First, let’s take a look at the top chatbot builders that are meant for non-tech professionals. These chatbot platforms are provided with tools and resources with drop-and-drag functionality.

1. Chatfuel

Target Platforms: Telegram and Facebook Messenger
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Chatfuel: 46,000 plus
Top Examples: Adidas, MTV, TechCrunch and Forbes
Price: Free with basic features; a Chatfuel Pro ($30/month) with advanced features is also available.

This cloud-based chatbot development platform is offered by a San Francisco-based company taking the product name itself. So, whether you are in B2B or B2C, you can create a chatbot with Chatfuel to connect with your audience on Facebook Messenger and Telegram to connect with your customers, fans, clients, partners or others. In collaboration with HubSpot, Chatfuel has also released an eBook for those who need some guidance on creating their first bot.

2. Botsify

Target Platform: Facebook Messenger, whatsApp, Instagram, Website
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Chatfuel: 40,000 plus
Top Examples: Apple, Shazam, Grin, Travelex, ReomteInterview, Unicef NZ
Price: Free, Basic ($10/month), Premium ($30/month), and Business ($50/month)

The company is based in Santa Clara County, State of California, USA. This chatbot builder platform comes with easy-to-use APIs that can help you to integrate it with your website created with WordPress and Shopify. With its built-in text-to-chat and chat-to-text feature, it’s possible to make your website connect with Alexa. The presence of human takeover makes it easy to handle any complex situation where the chatbot fails to respond appropriately. There are ready-to-use templates to help users create chatbots easily.

3. Flow Xo

Target Platform: WhatsApp Web, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Twilio SMS
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Flow Xo: Not available
Top Examples: Not available
Price: Free, Standard ($19/month), Further upgraded to handle more interactions.

The chatbot builder platform is equipped with a host of the free template, features, and tools, along with debugging or testing tools to help you create a flawless talking bot without having any technical expertise.


Target Platform: Alexa, Facebook Messenger, Kik, Skype, Slack, Telegram, and Twilio
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using KITT.AI: Not Available
Top Examples: UPS
Price: Free

Offered by the people behind China’s flagship search-engine Baidu, this chatbot builder features hotword detection (offline), semantic parsing, natural language understanding, conversational engine (multi-turn support), and neural network powered machine learning model to help you build the conversational chatbot that can respond to the users intelligently and instantly.

5. ManyChat

Target Platform: Facebook Messenger
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using ManyChat: 150,000
Top Examples: Not available
Price: Free and Paid ($15/month with advanced features)

ManyChat in collaboration with Mixpanel Analytics offers an easy-to-use chatbot builder with all basic and advanced tools that businesses need to respond to their website audience. With an easy-to-use API, anyone can integrate or embed it on their website. The icing on the cake is its recommendation feature. The chatbot asks for the feedback and persuades existing users to refer the chatbot to their friends if they feel happy about it.

Coding Chatbot Platforms

6. IBM Watson

Target Platform: Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Website
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using IBM Watson: Not Available
Top Examples: Staples, H&R Block, Autodesk
Price: Lite (USD 0), Standard ($0.0025 (USD) per API call), Premium (Price Not disclosed)

IBM Watson doesn’t need an introduction. It’s permeated into every walk of life from fashion and lifestyle to education and manufacturing and beyond. What makes it so special is its capability to collect, process and respond. It’s based on a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers, each of which uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight-core processor.

7. Microsoft Bot Framework

Target Platform: Website, App, Cortana, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and more
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Microsoft Bot Framework: Not Available
Top Examples: UPS
Price: Standard channels (Free); Premium ($0.50 per 1,000 messages)

This talking bot builder enables web developers to create a highly engaging website utilizing WordPress, Drupal, AnuglarJS, Node.js and much more. It has got a comprehensive emulator for debugging your bots. So every feature and functionality of the chatbot can be validated. The platform is available with multi-language support including English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Chinese.


Target Platform: Website, App, Cortana, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and more
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Microsoft Bot Framework: Not Available
Top Examples: UPS
Price: Standard channels (Free); Premium ($0.50 per 1,000 messages)

This California-based tech firm provides an NLP (Natural Language Processing)-based chatbot builder. It’s a cross-platform chatbot development platform that works in harmony with web or mobile app based on a host of technologies, SDKs, or programming languages, including Android, iOS, Cordova, HTML, JavaScript, Node.js,NET, Unity, Xamarin, C++, Python, Ruby, PHP, Epson Moverio, Botkin, and Java.

9. Semantic Machines

Target Platform: Website, App, Cortana, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and more
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Semantic Machines: Not Available
Top Examples: UPS
Price: Not Available

Semantic Machines is one of the leading providers of conversational AI technology. Say thanks to its cross-technology support that makes your chatbot work with websites created using an array of web development frameworks from WordPress to Drupal and many others. The platform and the respective chatbot keep acquiring knowledge with the passage of time as they read the behavior of users and modify themselves to respond better to their needs. Hence, you don’t need to update or upgrade your chatbot on a frequent basis.


Target Platform: Website, App, Cortana, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and more
Estimated Number of Chatbots Using Not Available
Top Examples: Samsung, Coca-Cola, KIA, Hilton, Ad Council
Price: Not Available

Originally this was created to serve insurance players to help prospects/customers seek information, apply/claim an insurance plan and lodge issues. After receiving an overwhelming response from customers, the technology firm, which is known by the same name as the product, extended its usability across different sectors with the release of cross-Industry Enterprise Solution.



Root Info Solutions
Root Info Solutions

Root Info Solutions is a UK-based web, iOS and Android application development company. The company was established in 2004 by Shekhar Juneja.