Calling All Food and Drink Obsessives — Write for Rooted

Submissions are open!

Charlie Brown


Photo by Wikimedia Commons, licensed under the CC 4.0 international license. Anthony Bourdain — the greatest food writer to have ever lived?

Considering food and drink are universal experiences, we don’t talk about it enough here on Medium.

Rooted wants to change that.

This little publication has been ticking along for a while now but I want to make it bigger. Better. Stronger.

And for that, I need you.

Rooted is a publication that goes deep into food and drink culture. You don’t have to be an expert (only in your own experiences), you just need a desire to write about food and drink in your own unique, interesting, personal way.

You can read the full submission guidelines and what we look for (and importantly don’t look for) here, but here’s an excerpt about what sort of writing we love:

  • Personal stories, opinion pieces and persuasive essays about food and/or drink.
  • Social and cultural commentary around food and drink culture.
  • Your own culture’s food or drink. Are you Portuguese? Spanish? French? Mexican? American? British? Tell us how what you eat and drink has shaped you.
  • Your adopted country’s food or drink. Live abroad and have become obsessed with the food or drink there? Write about it.



Charlie Brown
Editor for

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at