Love European Cheese (and Milk) But U.S. Dairy Leaves You in Agony? There’s a Reason
And it might be cancer. Maybe.
“I’m going to eat a block of cheese the size of a car battery!”
Oh, how I can relate to that George Costanza quote. There’s something purely magical about cheese. It’s the pixie dust that, when sprinkled on food, can make anything better.
Can’t get your kid to eat broccoli? Add cheese. Want to make that pizza better? Stuff cheese into the crust. That pasta and marinara sauce not heavy enough for you? Here’s some cheese. Say when.
You say when, but always a bit prematurely. Deep down you want more of the cheese. All of the cheese! But you don’t want neighboring tables to judge (quite the opposite. You’d become our personal hero if you never said when).
For me, there’s one slight problem.
My gut.
There’s only so much cheese my stomach can handle until I’m holding my gut, groaning in agony, and searching for whatever quick-access TUMS or acid reflex medication might be sitting around.
It’s not just cheese though. The same thing happens with milk, ice cream, and anything else dairy-related. I’m not lactose intolerant — doctors have told me — as I can handle a portion or two of…