Food and Drink Publication “Rooted” Is Now a Boostable Publication

And we’re looking for new writers

Charlie Brown


Image courtesy of author. Doing what I do best — eating

I knew it.

I knew there was room for great food and drink writing here at Medium.

As someone who has dedicated their career to the wonder that is fermented grape juice, I started Rooted — a publication dedicated to food and drink — back in 2021. I wanted somewhere to put my wine stories but couldn’t find anywhere suitable.

Now, we’re still a reasonably small publication but we’re growing. We have nearly 200 writers and new stories coming all the time.

Most importantly, Rooted has just been accepted as part of Medium’s Boost Nomination Program.

Or as the cool kids say it, I’m now a nommer.

Nom nom nom

If you’ve not come across Medium’s Boost Program, these are the highlights:

  • A select group of editors of various publications across Medium have the power to nominate eligible stories submitted to their publications for a boost.
  • If the Medium curation team accepts the nomination, the story is pushed to the wider network.
  • This usually means a) more views (Medium says that 95% of boosted stories reach 500 or more views but…



Charlie Brown
Editor for

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at