This Is Everything I Wish People Would Stop Doing in My Wine Bar

It’s probably not what you think

Charlie Brown


Falling asleep on the table is OK so long as you’re out by closing. Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

People worry about completely the wrong things in a wine bar.

They worry about their lack of wine etiquette. They worry they’ll be judged by what they order.

I get why you might think you’ll make an ass of yourself by holding your glass the wrong way or something. Articles with titles like this crappy little number don’t help:

I’ve been a bartender for over 10 years. Here are 11 things I wish customers would stop doing.

This article makes it out like bar staff will judge you for every little faux pas you make, from requesting a certain song to asking what do you have?

Us Somms and bar staff don’t judge on those things. At least, not if we’re good at our job.

But there are behaviours I wish people would stop doing in wine bars. Behaviours I saw time and again in my own bar that annoyed the heck out of me.

Behaviours like these.

I’m not scary, so don’t be nervous

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Any Somm or other bar staff worth their salt will never judge you for not knowing much about wine.



Charlie Brown
Editor for

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at