Banned From Vimeo + The Acceleration of Censorship in America

Rooted + Revived
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2020

I’m angry.

Warning: This post is going to be ranty and maybe even a lot of projection but right now I need to vent (maybe I will decide to delete later).

I just uploaded a video to Vimeo and it was immediately removed and my account was flagged for going against community guidelines. In the video I was sharing *my feelings* about the V-word.

Square Space removed America’s Frontline Doctors website yesterday. All of it. Completely gone. A website formed by frontline doctors simply telling us what they see and suggesting treatment options that work for their patients.

Because people say their recommendations are dangerous. But you know, the fact that 88% of people on ventilators in NYC are dying and all we can do is recommend masks and distance and vents for people isn’t dangerous.

This doesn’t even cover all the censorship over the years committed by Amazon, Google, IG, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

THIS IS A PSYOP. And I am begging everyone to please for the love of God, get curious, at least. Just crack open one eye if that is all you can do.

This isn’t ok. Are you really okay with living like North Korea?

CONSPIRACY FACT. We are well on our way, and in large part already there.

Thank GOD I can still say this…for now. If it continues this way, I will not be able to.

This goes beyond party lines and personal beliefs. This is the First Amendment. I don’t care what you think of the v word or those doctors or your medical choices. Like seriously, cyborg yourself out for all I give a flying rip.

People should have the right to share freely, their experiences and their choices, and we should trust people to decide for themselves. It is NO ONE’S job to censor and control information to make sure people don’t have access to alternative views.

I am angry.

I am angry at being one of my only friends who sticks their neck out on these issues. Up to this point I have totally understood and respected all of you who don’t want to talk about your life choices publicly. TRULY, I GET IT. I have watched people talk down about the choices of their friends, not knowing they have so many friends who live the way they are shaming and belittling.

Something I have learned is that so many people have no idea who they are friends with because their friends don’t discuss their lifestyle choices, personal opinions, voting choices with anyone because to think outside of mob mentality is social suicide.

I have literally seen people trash people who vote for Donald Trump who are really close to someone who votes for DT…and they have no idea. Because their friend would never tell them, for example…

I have seen people just spew the worst hate at “anti v-worders” and I’m like, “wow…do they not know their bestie/coach/landscaper/teacher etc is a “anti v-worder?”

No. They don’t. Believe it or not, we are not mostly talking about it on social media like me. Most people are utterly silent. They are your friends and your neighbors and your clients and your family and your community members. Trust me. I see this a lot.

My point is that the silent majority is letting this crap reign and I am asking those of you who usually hold back to please start speaking up. Seriously. We are on the edge of totalitarianism and living in a completely censored society. V-word IDs, passports in our arms, biometric body scanning to enter buildings, censorship, medical fascism etc is NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY. It’s a conspiracy fact. All you have to do is look around and learn about the companies that are CURRENTLY implementing these things. IT IS HAPPENING. WAKE UP (I hate when people say that but JESUS).

All of social media and the MSM is already ruled by the extreme left, and any ideas or thoughts outside of that. ideology is ALREADY threatened by censorship and attack. PEOPLE GET FIRED FOR THEIR BELIEFS. Conspiracy FACT.

I have already been kicked off of Airbnb for my personal beliefs (I don’t know the reason, they never told me), and now Vimeo. Conspiracy FACT. I live it.

Please understand that this isn’t about keeping information accurate and safe for the public. NOT EVEN CLOSE. I could post “hey go drink gasoline it’s good for you,” and they wouldn’t remove it. I could say, “driving your car off cliffs is exciting!” and they wouldn’t remove it. And somehow child porn stays up. This isn’t about your health or your safety. It’s about pushing a VERY SPECIFIC agenda and removing all potential barriers to that agenda. It’s about silencing people who speak out in opposition to it. Who refuse to fall in line. PERIOD. It is painfully obvious if you are paying attention.

I am angry that I cannot use sites, write, and speak freely, and that I am constantly having to seek out loopholes and code my. writings. I am angry that we are being held hostage to an extremist, transhumanist, technophilic ideology.

I am angry that our country (including myself) is so passive in allowing this to take over. Seriously, my family is having to talk about leaving the country because if this trajectory continues, we won’t be able to live freely here. WE ARE HERE.

I’m angry. I want this to stop.

Someone once said that if everyone who felt this way spoke up about it, this would be over.



Rooted + Revived

Medical Freedom, Birth Politics, Reproductive Sovereignty, Femininity > Feminism, Radicle living. = IG