Dear, Feminists: Trade “Healthcare” for Do-It-Yourself Care.

Rooted + Revived
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2020

If you’re a proclaimed white ally feminist Chica who is loyally committed to no longer perpetuating or benefiting from systems born and bred from the blood of POC and on the backs of slavery….

then I would *HIGHLY* suggest you no longer be gettin’ shmoozy with the white coats and their superfluous practices and dehumanizing rituals over at the obstetrical branch of factory pharma.

A model that was *designed* to remove women from their sovereignty and high position as the ✨🧝🏿‍♀️ divine doyenne mother 🧝🏼‍♀️✨

The EPICENTER of “instinct injury.” (Yolande Clark term) and manufactured abuse.

Black women being the guinea pigs for Dr. James Sims, non consensually paving the way to socially sanctioned exploitation for the rest of us.

If you hear a feminist comically mock and animate her pap smear again, please remind her how she acquired the aaammmmaaazing right to have her cervix poked, prodded, snipped, and scraped with sharp metal tools on a hard sterile slab of a table. Remind her how her “empowerment” bought her a culture where 1/3 of all women will have their wombs systematically stolen from them in their lifetime (higher overall percentage for WOC).

And when she insists upon her dependency for a system that was founded on slavery and is *predicated* on women being subjugated and… dependent, remind her that when they promised “liberation,” I’m not so sure they meant liberation from the dark swampy waters that can be womanhood.

To my mind, the only *true* liberation would be our absolute embracing and allegiance to it.

A devotional-like willingness to tread the sometimes dark/cold and sometimes fresh/warm waters that comes with the intimate and continuous mapping of our landscape. A part high priestess, part extreme sports level of a relationship with the trials and tribulations of our pain, our blood, cycles, wombs, births, etc.

These experiences, and the rewards gained from self authorship, prime and polish our souls, but when taken, rob women of bone deep transformation and initiation.

Don’t shoot the messengeria 💃🏼🔫
Go find/have a date your cervix instead 🍩 💜

(Or don’t because the whole concept of needing to overly and obsessively check on an internal organ comes from the ideologies of the system I just attempted to denounce but don’t feel bad if you want to wompwompwompwomp).



Rooted + Revived

Medical Freedom, Birth Politics, Reproductive Sovereignty, Femininity > Feminism, Radicle living. = IG