Masks Are Not An Emblem Of Health

Rooted + Revived
Published in
6 min readJul 27, 2020

The refusal or questioning of enculturated mask wearing does not denote a lack of care, nor does it indicate the psychology of a tantruming toddler, or a rebellious teenager (To suggest this is gaslighting at its finest).

For me (and many others who I know feel similarly), the objection to mask mandates and mask ideology is an adamant stance on rejecting the notion of the mask as the emblem of health and protection. I will not and do not recognize the mask as a symbol of health or sanity or normality. Period.

This opposition you are witnessing from myself and others, is a dissent from what was so rapidly accepted as the pinnacle of safety and well-being for everyone in our culture.

Simply, I won’t perpetuate the notion that all we have to do is slap on a mask to be safe. Nor will I assume what constitutes as “safety” for *you*, much less every person I may come into contact with. I won’t perpetuate the idea that muzzling our faces equals being virtuous or carriers of health. I won’t even perpetuate the notion that having symptoms or acquiring sickness=bad, or the idea that we are at war with an enemy and that enemy is germs.

I have been promoting cellular health, regenerative well-being, and how to live free of chronic and acute illness for over 10 years. And now, suddenly, everyone else who has never seemed to care about their health or the health and “safety” (which is subjective and can only be defined by individuals. There is no objective safety.) of others are all coming out of the woodwork to tell ME which rituals and behaviors I should adopt and perform to prove MY allegiance to public health. To prove my vigilance towards a potentially threatening virus. If you know me and what I am about, this is laughable and if I didn’t have such a thick skin, it would be offensive.

What these people may be missing is that so many of us who are vocal and objective about wearing masks, have passionately cared about our health for many years, and have diligently, intentionally and considerately cared for the health and well-being of our families and our communities for many years. So many of us were on the sidelines advocating health and well-being and protection from disease LONG before there was ever a pandemic.

So no, I’m not going to change my tune now. I still firmly stand by the ideas and practices that I have been living every day for the last 10 years in a very successful attempt to live a life of true health and robust immunity. We (I) still stand by those things as effective health measures, and NO, I will not perform, what I see as counterproductive and even harmful customs, to uphold the illusion of safety and your new found sense of altruism in regard to the health of humankind.

I’ve given a HUGE damn about public health my entire adult life.


So many of us (myself included) who are refusing to wear masks, didn’t suddenly adopt a concern for the health of humanity once a “pandemic” hit. We’ve been doing the sustainable work of avoiding the fast frankenfoods, and the smoking and alcohol, the household toxins, the pharmaceutical drugs, and we have been intentionally excommunicating ourselves and our families from the western allopathic medical system, and avoiding common environmental toxins (to the best of our abilities) for years. Some of us, for decades. PRECISELY, so that when something like this happens we rest safely in a deep sense of internal protection that we have spent years providing for ourselves.

So, excuse us, if we are not scrambling for band aid solutions and eager to slap on a mask “for protection.” We have immune systems for that. Immune systems that we have made a full time job to repair since we all live in a society that methodically breaks it down every step of the way from the moment our mothers become pregnant with us.

Excuse us if we’re not living in the fear that comes with not having a deep trust in your body’s ability to catch and combat a virus.

And before someone wants to tell me, “You won’t be saying that if a family member gets it!”

My mother who is almost 56 has just recovered from Covid. At one point she said, “bronchitis is worse.” I have also had a cousin who tested positive. He’s like 22 and his symptoms lasted only 3 days. So I have had personal familial relations with the virus, for whatever that is worth….

But here’s something….I actually will wear a mask.
I will wear a mask when I truly believe and witness that it is IN FACT “public health” that is in the interest and hearts of everyone and all those making the decisions in terms of how we all practice health and embodiment right now. So, when I see health/ government officials, and my peers who are preaching masks… when I see all of you promoting a natural, earth based diet free of processed foods, sunlight, and when I see the encouragement of things like vitamin C and adaptogens, and natural anti virals such as fresh ginger, garlic, echinacea…and when I see those I mentioned discouraging smoking, and fast food, and the use of toxic home and body products…when I see these people talking about stress and cortisol as the number one factor in risk of disease and attempting to create a world that isn’t stress inducing to the human species….

Then I will agree that this IS about the health of the public, and as someone who now trusts deeply the intentions of those making the rules and recommendations, I will gladly put on a mask, because I do in fact care about public health, as I think we all do.

But…as it stands, I do not trust the narrative or the intentions of those in power, nor do I have any reason to not believe that many people are being opportunistic right now and using this prop as means to justify some pretty totalitarian policies.

The polarity is not “those who care about public health,” and “those who do not.” If you believe that is where our differences lie, then you’re deluding yourself. Truly. It’s simply lazy and dismissive thinking that absolves one of having to have conversations and think critically about their POV.

The differing of opinions is actually around how to enact the most effective means of health for the public, AS WELL AS WHAT HEALTH EVEN IS. Most people aren’t even on the same page in regard to their definition of health itself.

Now I may not agree with the socially accepted practices we are all doing right now like masks, and toxic hand sanitizers and social distancing. I might even believe that they compromise public health (and I do believe they will, in the long term)….but I don’t extrapolate from my beliefs that those who promote and enact those things don’t care about public health or that they want people to die (some of the more extreme ridiculousness I’ve been told). So why isn’t that same assumption returned towards those who question or omit themselves from our current health practices? That’s always been so baffling to me…

I’ll leave this off with some words by Dr. Kelly Brogan:

“I’ve become very interested in the power of agreements rather than enforcement of top-down rules and even laws. Could we be at a moment where we are being invited to examine our relationship to government as protector? I can see how it won’t work, any longer, for me to rely on government public health mandates when they happen to align with my values (smoking bans) but to resist when they don’t. Maybe I relinquish public health as a concept because we don’t agree, as a collective, about what health is. If some of us believe that others should violate their own body for the greater good and some of us believe that we should be exempt from ever doing anything to or with our bodies to make someone else comfortable…well, where do we land? What can we agree on? I’d like to kick off an 🔥 agreement challenge 🔥. I challenge all you intrepid voices out there to resolve this point of division: MASKS. If I don’t want to wear one and don’t care if you do (but would rather you not), and you want to wear one and want me to…what agreement could we come to? An agreement isn’t a compromise, to my mind…it is a way for two world views to exist in honor of one another, with independence. It is connection through difference. It’s adulting so that we don’t need mommy medicine or daddy government to come mediate our differences. We figure it out ourselves. Think it’s possible? Let’s try. ❤️”

Until then I will continue to flaunt what has certainly become one of the most taboo displays of our current times….




Rooted + Revived

Medical Freedom, Birth Politics, Reproductive Sovereignty, Femininity > Feminism, Radicle living. = IG