The Weaponization of Science.

Rooted + Revived
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2020

When people throw around the “conspiracy theorist,” and even more especially the “anti-science” slur at others, what they’re really saying is that you’re “anti-MSM.” That’s it.

These people are pontificating the mainstream narratives. What we call “anti-science” ALWAYS goes against the far left mainstream opinions, ironically (and 90% of MS news outlets and nearly all (or all?) of the main social media platforms are far left).

But let’s not forget that the MSM does *not* always promote real, legitimate science. Heck let’s not forget that mainstream scientists working for big corporations are paid to find specific outcomes. Rendering a lot of data irrelevant and therefore omitted (but that’s another post).

The word “science” is being weaponized to push some pretty fascist, technocratic, transhumanist agendas.

Many of which are completely and unquestionably scientifically unfounded (as in, have never passed through the gates of any true science to speak of).

I’ve said it before, that

science = technology in modern times. If we can’t create a technological solution for it then it isn’t “real science.”

Humans create every single problem that they then think they must create technological solutions for, which act as band-aids, driving the pathology deeper, never getting to the root of the issue. Thus creating more technology to solve these problems. Rinse, repeat.

It’s really simple (in my mind):

You either believe everything you hear on the news and believe it is the fate of humans to become cyborgs —

Or you understand (at least on some level) that there are very real and solidified vested interests in keeping new (or often old, ancient, wise) and vital information from the public mainstream. Literally, entire industries would collapse if science looked for answers beyond highly profitable transhumanist technologies.

I don’t think some industries want us to know (and even more likely, they themselves don’t know) that we don’t actually need their latest gadgets or drugs to save us. An hour outside in nature everyday would probably fare far better results for human wellbeing than billions of dollars in technology could ever buy.

We all get this…don’t we?

Since when did pro-nature, pro-life (which includes bacteria, viruses and fungi), pro-biology, pro-natural immunity and our natural bodies become “anti-science?”



Rooted + Revived

Medical Freedom, Birth Politics, Reproductive Sovereignty, Femininity > Feminism, Radicle living. = IG