Numi Campaign raises $2,200 in 5 Days — 45 Days to Go

Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018

We wanted to give a quick update on our campaign with the Numi Tea Foundation. But first, I’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has donated, posted, reposted, retweeted, e-mailed, and shared on behalf of RootProject and the Numi Foundation.

Since launching on Thursday, we have raised just over $2,000 with 44 days left in the campaign — and a long way to go to reach our goal of just over $19,000 to fund summer school for 25 sixth-grade students in Baghdad, Iraq. This means that if you haven’t yet donated or shared the campaign with your network, or asked them to share with their network, we’d really, really appreciate your help. I’m here to make it a little easier for you.

To donate, that’s easy, just click here. To share, please edit the draft text below as you see fit, and post with a repost with one of the Twitter and Facebook posts I’ve provided.

So cool! Great new blog on Medium about the @RootProjectco crowdfunding campaign for the @NumiTea Foundation launched to support orphans in Iraq with a summer school program! Please join me and donate today!

Please help me spread the word about RootProject and their effort to help raise funds for a summer school program for sixth-grade students in Baghdad piloted by the @NumiTea Foundation and the @IraqFoundation




I’m reaching out to let you know that RootProject is partnering with Numi Tea and the Numi Foundation to raise just over $19,000 to fund a summer school pilot program for 25 sixth-grade students in Baghdad, Iraq, where a large number of children are orphans.

I am a supporter of RootProject, and am asking for your help. You can donate directly to Numi here to keep the schools open, fund teacher stipends, art and culture-focused field trips, school supplies, and more. Please also share this message with friends, family, and contacts who might be interested in lending their support.

As a reminder: RootProject applies blockchain technology to crowdfunding in order to change the way we fund the things we care most about. We leverage the power of smart contracts to collect zero fees on the crowdfunding campaigns RootProject supports. Our blockchain-powered model allows us to let charities use our platform literally for free.

I would be heartened if you’d join me in ensuring its success.

Thank you,


And, if you need more information about RootProject or the Project to share:

About the Project:

RootProject has partnered with the Numi Foundation to raise funds for a summer school pilot program for 25 sixth-grade students in the Karkh District of Baghdad, Iraq. Today, 1 in 6 Iraqis — over five million people — are orphans, and the number is even higher if you only look at children.

Numi, by way of their partnership with the Iraq Foundation, the Ministry of Education, and local school authorities, identified students with the highest need for additional educational support and curated a curriculum specific to their needs.

The program features classes in English, Math, Science, and Art. The Art program is taught by a former child TV celebrity and is inspired by the NUMI Art Curriculum. The program also features two field trips to local museums and cultural sites to promote an appreciation for the nation’s history, culture, and traditions.

And Finally,

Why Supporting Numi through RootProject matters:

RootProject applies blockchain technology to crowdfunding in order to to change the way we fund the things we care about most. What this means that we leverage the power of smart contracts to collect zero fees on the crowdfunding campaigns RootProject supports. Instead of collecting a typical crowdfunding fee, a percentage of funds raised purchases ROOTS tokens on the open market, thus driving price up. We call this the currency-as-fee model. By locking our ROOTS tokens away for just a year or two, we are able to return all funds to our partner organizations and partner projects so all of your contribution is going directly to the nonprofit organization and not to administrative fees.

Thanks again for everything you’re doing to make our first campaign a success!

