The plant hormone auxin is transported between cells in developing leaves. Image by Abley et al. (CC BY 4.0)

Moving in the right direction

New models predict how plants control the movement of a hormone called auxin to produce new leaves.

Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2016


Plants, unlike animals, are able to grow and develop throughout their lives. New leaves and flowers are made from outgrowths that constantly form at the tip of growing shoots. Groups of cells in the outer layer of the shoot tip arrange a protein called PIN1 so that it is more abundant on the cell surfaces that face towards the centre of the group. PIN1 transports a hormone called auxin out of plant cells and this “convergent” arrangement of PIN1 increases the levels of auxin in cells at the centre of the group, leading to the formation of a new outgrowth. However, it is not clear what causes these cells to position their PIN1 proteins in this way.

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain how convergent patterns of PIN1 form. For example, according to the “up-the-gradient” hypothesis, PIN1 is allocated to the end of a cell that is next to a cell with a higher level of auxin. Katie Abley and colleagues have now compared predictions from computer models with new experimental data from a plant called Arabidopsis to evaluate three hypotheses for how convergent PIN1 patterns form. A computer model based on the up-the-gradient hypothesis naturally creates convergent PIN1 patterns, even if each cell starts off with the same level of auxin. On the other hand, models based on two other hypotheses generate tandem alignments of PIN1 so that auxin is transported in the same direction along lines of cells.

Next, Abley et al. tested these models using mutant Arabidopsis plants that develop outgrowths from the lower surface of their leaves. These outgrowths form in a similar way to outgrowths at the growing shoot tip, but in a simpler context. The experiments show that the patterns of where auxin is produced in growing leaves were more compatible with the tandem alignment models than the up-the-gradient model. This suggests that plants use a tandem alignment mechanism to form convergences of PIN1 proteins that generate the local increases in auxin needed to make new outgrowths.

This study only examined a single layer of cells on the plant surface. Other cell layers also show highly organised patterns of PIN1 proteins, so a future challenge is to extend the approach to study the entire 3D structure of new shoot outgrowths.

To find out more

Read the eLife research paper on which this eLife digest is based: “Formation of polarity convergences underlying shoot outgrowths” (August 1, 2016).

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