What’s the ‘Buzz’ on Roposo

The journey of how we start with a new problem statement and the work put in before designing

Apoorva Singh
Roposo Design
8 min readFeb 16, 2024


Before moving any pixels, or to be precise, before even starting to create a pixel, there is a lot that is put in. To draw a comparison, the glorified work of a UX designer is akin to what’s left after the blueprints of a building are drawn up. But what many may not realize is the immense thought, precision, and discussions that precede even the first stroke of design.

It’s this unseen effort that lays the foundation for everything that follows. In this blog, we will delve deep into this concept of the pre-design stage with a live project that we worked on.

Reflecting on our journey so far

So far, we have tailored the user experience through our Live shows where:

  • The creator’s expression is enhanced with what the Canvas has to offer.
  • Viewers can also freely express themselves using stickies on the activity board during the show. If you want to learn more about Canvas and Activity Board, here are a few articles to get you started:

Roposo’s core value has been to become a platform that prioritises open conversations and free expression.

We want to create a space where users feel empowered to engage with a wide range of content and express themselves freely.

Developed User Interface of a Live Show

The next problem statement was: ‘How does a user reach a Live Show?’ That gives rise to many questions:

  • What does it actually mean in terms of a platform?
  • How does it translate into user experience?

So to find the correct answers, it’s essential to ask the right questions. A few of the most important questions that we asked ourselves while designing this experience were:

  1. What are users here for? → Purpose
  2. With our core being live shows, how will users discover this live show? → Discovery of the Show
  3. How do people get to our Live Shows? → User Journey
  4. What can users do here? —> Available Actions
  5. How will they learn about what the creator will be discussing before entering a show? —> Context Setting for Ease of Decision Making
Key problem to solve — How does a user join a live show?

Unveiling the problem by step-by-step analysis

So how does a conversation on the internet begin? You hear about something from someone, then you go to your preferred source to verify it.

  • If you’re someone who prefers reading first, you might Google it.
  • If you prefer video content, you might check YouTube or Instagram.
  • If you’re interested in filtered reactions to the incident, you might turn to Twitter to read people’s opinions.
  • And if you’re up for unfiltered opinions, Reddit might be your destination.

There is something for everyone, but there is no one stop solution. You’ll need to find your best fit. That’s the thing about consumption.

Now, if you want to react to the incident, there are multiple platforms for that as well! It might be in the form of a video on Instagram or YouTube, a tweet on Twitter, or maybe just a text within your close friends group. It all depends on the individual’s preference and the nature of the interaction they seek.

Popular ways of data consumption on different products

Time to brainstorm & find some answers!

The initial brainstorming phase is vital for guiding discussions in a productive direction, especially in a content-focused product like ours.

It was essential to align with the visions of both the product and content teams to ensure that the user experience reflects the essence and direction of the content.

Speaking specifically about this problem statement, it required considerable time and effort to truly grasp and align the collective vision of all stakeholders. Understanding the goals of the product team and the intricate role of content in this puzzle was a journey filled with weeks of uncertainty and ambiguity. We empathized deeply with the challenge, spending quality time pondering the problem statement without tangible progress.

A tip for all designers

This patience and comfort with uncertainty are essential tools in a designer’s arsenal — to live with the problem statement and be at ease with not having immediate solutions, navigating through ambiguity at their own pace without rushing towards quick fixes.

Note: A great practice while designing an app is, if one can define the key user in a simple statement, you are halfway there to the solution. After many rounds of discussion, the one statement that everyone agreed on was:

Roposo will serve as a platform for the seamless consumption of anything trending on the internet, encouraging people to express their thoughts in whatever form suits them best.

💡 Tips to make the most out of a brainstorming session:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: Spend time understanding the problem and jot down your points and questions beforehand to stay engaged.
  2. Assume no prior knowledge: Present as if your audience knows nothing about the topic to avoid repetitive explanations.
  3. Know the pros and cons of an approach: Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your idea to present it effectively and anticipate potential concerns.
Some of the iterations as we discovered what our feed would look like

Conceptualising Live Buzz and its true meaning

Roposo is a place where people come to stay informed about the latest happenings on the internet, spanning any popular topic that entertains. They’re here to engage with this buzz and react to it. In essence, our platform aims to answer the question:

What’s the buzz about, and how can I contribute to it?

Let’s take an example to understand it better:

Imagine a situation where you find out that a few days ago, the pop singer Taylor Swift won her 13th Grammy. Now, if you’re someone interested in Taylor Swift, you’ll likely try to gather as much information as possible about her. Now, envision content that has it all!

All the important videos available on the Internet, all the articles that have been published, people hosting live shows and discussing this with the audience participating, and all the comments that have been posted about it. All in one single feed!

Enhancing this experience further are people’s comments in the form of memes, pictures, videos, audio — whatever they are comfortable with! Now, that’s a one-stop for anything that is trending and a place where everyone can express freely. And that’s what we are aiming to achieve on Roposo.

There’s so much Taylor Swift Buzz to consume, here’s how I can know about it all

Now that we had all the questions answered, it was time to get started with designing the experience. But where do we start from? The next step is to understand the app architecture.

Defining the Information Architecture

This serves as the cornerstone upon which the entire user experience is constructed. Information architecture ensures that users can effortlessly navigate the app and find what they need.

Information architecture grants the designer a bird’s-eye view of the entire product, offering insights crucial for decision-making, feature addition, and the app’s expansion in the right direction. It transforms abstract thoughts into tangible outputs, facilitating seamless navigation and enhancing the user experience.

Tip: For those eager to delve deeper into Information Architecture, I recommend reading An Excellent Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture. This will enhance better understanding and provide guidance on how to approach the design process.

With this understanding, it was time for us to assemble the information architecture for our app.

Information Architecture of the Roposo Feed

We have a blueprint ready!

From an ambiguous place where we didn’t know what Roposo will be to having a clear picture of the way forward, we have covered half of our journey. We have a clear purpose: to cultivate a dynamic platform where users can seamlessly engage with trending conversations and express themselves freely.

We have crystallised our mission: to serve as the ultimate destination for individuals seeking to stay informed, entertained, and connected in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Along the way, there were some learnings 📝:

  1. How to go about a problem statement as a designer — It’s not about sitting down and designing the frames on Figma. It starts with getting the utmost clarity from your stakeholders, understanding the problem statement clearly, and asking as many questions as possible until you are sure of what the ideal experience should be like.
  2. Navigating & contributing to brainstorming sessions — One of the crucial parts of being a designer is conducting and participating in brainstorming sessions with your team as well as your stakeholders. It’s an important skill to know how to contribute to it and how you can give direction to the discussions if needed.
  3. Learning to be comfortable with ambiguity — When everyone around you is looking for solutions and quick fixes, it’s a skill to hold your ground and keep looking for an ideal solution.
  4. Articulating yourself with key stakeholders — It’s not spoken about enough, but stakeholder management and the ability to present your ideas and designs to large groups of people are what will take you ahead in your journey as a designer.

Next it’s time to move some pixels 😂

Next up, we will witness how our journey so far translates into high fidelity designs and user interactions. We will look into how a feed is designed, what it contains, and all the content formats one can think of, without overwhelming users.

We’ll explore how users can add their thoughts seamlessly. With all that set, let’s delve into how creative we can get while designing the visuals. Exciting things ahead, stay tuned!

