Chip ’n’ Dale in a Scrum Team

Mari Feklistova
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2019

Those who have already made a switchover to Scrum (like we have), know that a Product Owner (PO) and a Scrum Master (SM) are two important people in the Scrum world. It actually depends on them two how the project management will work and when it will start to bring good results. I strongly believe that they should be like Chip and Dale and lead their rescue team to breakthroughs.

In many companies today project managers are turning into real action men, but I can’t say that this transformation is going good. So, if you don’t want your work to be full of confrontation or sheet-hogging, you have to assign responsibilities and authority for each and every role first.

In this article you will find a short guide we came up with at Rosberry in the course of work while delicately molding our Product Owners and Scrum Masters. Perhaps it will help you to dot the i’s and cross the t’s and work even more efficiently. Here is how we see allocation of PO’s vs SM’s authorities:

Read more about BDD on wikipedia

Of course, the above is only a list of the most important responsibilities PO and SM usually share within any project at Rosberry. It is not a one-size-fits-all kind of list and in your team you might need to expand or reconsider it in full. Yet, our practices might become a good starting point to help your PO’s and SM’s find a way to work together more effectively and efficiently.

It’s not an extract from either a Scrum Guide or some other book on Agile. We do not want to declare any obvious things, it’s just the way we work now. These are our current practices — helping us and working for us only. However, if you want to know more about our Scrum transformation, about the tools we use, please, click the clap button and leave your feedback. And, of course, you will find even more answers in my articles to follow.

