XR Round-Up April/May ‘23

Ashland Damron
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2023

At ROSE, we are constantly looking for advancements and inspiration within the XR community. Check out some of the latest XR experiences making a splash in our April/May XR round-up!

1. Holographic Hellos

Artificial Intelligence company Volograms has announced the latest version of its holographic messaging platform. Users are able to capture 2D video and have it automatically converted into a 3D hologram, through the use of artificial intelligence. These holographic messages can then be sent and viewed in augmented reality using WebAR.

Volograms CEO, Rafa Pagés, shared that “From the moment Volograms was founded, our goal was fairly simple: we wanted to create a way to make volumetric holograms accessible to anyone and everyone”.

If you are interested you are able to sign up free trials of the platform are available. For more information check out https://www.volograms.com/vologram-messages

Image Credit: Volograms

2. VR & AR in Your Car

Meta and the BMW Group have teamed up to explore how virtual reality can be integrated into vehicles. In their research so far, the companies have made significant progress and produced exciting results. Richard Newcombe, Vice President of Research Science, Reality Labs Research, recently shared that “Our research prototype shows that we can enable entertaining and comfortable passenger experiences that are anchored to the car itself, including VR and mixed reality gaming, entertainment, productivity, and even meditation capabilities,”.

The team continues to explore how the technology can positively enhance the experience of passengers. Potentially for way-finding uses and the ability to notify users of hazards.

Image Credit: Meta

3. Peridot is Finally Here!

Niantic has officially launched their latest location-based augmented reality game, Peridot. In the tamagotchi-like game users have to take care of their newest furry friends, Dots. Dots are like any real-world pet, as they have to be fed and played with to stay healthy. Users are able to collect food items and toys throughout the game. Dots also must complete challenges to promote their growth from infancy to adulthood. With a passion for exploring, Dots can forage the real world at key locations through the use of augmented reality.

You can download Peridots now for free on iOS and Android devices.

Image Credit: Niantic

4. Daft Punk Memories Unlocked

To celebrate the upcoming release of Random Access Memories 10th Anniversary Edition Daft Punk worked with Snapchat’s AR studio to create a series of augmented reality experiences. The first AR experience is triggered by scanning the album cover and allows users to listen to a track that was not originally on the album when it was released a decade ago. A 3D silver and gold helmet can be placed in the user’s space, or worn on their head in a front facing filter. The second activation is a real-world treasure hunt that utilizes location-based AR in 10 major cities across the world. The last leg of the AR series is an augmented reality billboard that will go live in Berlin, Liverpool, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, New York, Paris, and Sydney from May 11th-28th.

Image Credit: Snap Inc.

5. Amazon Anywhere

Amazon has launched its newest way to shop, Amazon Anywhere. This new experience will allow users to make purchases within augmented and virtual reality applications. Peridot will be the first to integrate Amazon Anywhere into its gaming app. While taking care of their newest pet, users will also be able to shop for Peridot merchandise directly in the AR game application and place their order all without leaving the application. Steve Downer, vice president of consumer electronics at Amazon shared that, “You don’t have to leave your game or app to purchase physical products — simply enjoy your experience of engaging with the fun things you’ll find. Once you’re ready to buy, you can expect the same great selection, low prices, easy checkout, fast delivery, and best-in-class customer support as you would from shopping in Amazon stores”.

Image Credit: Amazon

Tune in next month for our May/June Round Up!

Interested in XR and what it can do for your business? Contact us at info@rosedigital.co

