Ro Now Offering Virtual Doctor Appointments To Address COVID-19 Concerns

Tessa Battistin
Rosecliff Ventures
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2020

UPDATE: Virtual appointments now available in all states, free of charge.

COVID-19 is spreading across the globe, and the technology industry is reacting. Besides making joke websites about the barrage of cancelled conferences, VCs and their portfolio companies have published a host of thoughtful responses to the fears surrounding COVID-19. Sequoia sent an email to their portfolio companies which details a measured, yet cautionary response to the threat the virus poses to founders, employees, and the portfolio’s bottom line. In a world of 7–10 year returns, VCs are cautionary, though not overly concerned by potential economic downturn as a result of the virus and other macro-economic trends. Lerer Hippeau, a firm that you’ll find on many cap tables alongside Rosecliff, is offering a voice of stability. “VC game is a long game,” commented Eric Hippeau, Partner at LH. “It’s a multiyear game, and a recession should not really have a major impact on the future of a fund or its portfolio companies.”

Leadership during times of global and economic uncertainty sets enduring businesses apart from their competitors. Sequoia’s letter reminds founders that their “employees are all aware of COVID-19 and are wondering how you will react and what it means for them.” Rosecliff has already seen a decisive response from Zachariah Retiano, Founder and CEO of Ro, the telehealth company powering Roman, Rory, and Quit With Zero.

“Ro is launching a free telehealth assessment for COVID-19. If someone believes they may be experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, they can complete the online assessment &, if appropriate, we will connect them w/ a doctor for a free video visit. Our goal is to triage patients, educate the public, and collect structured, anonymized healthcare data.”

This free virtual COVID-19 assessment, when paired with Ro’s MD-approved resource hub about the virus, is a swift and comprehensive solution coming from a young startup addressing a public health crisis that is just over one month old. Impressive, to say the least.

Virtual doctor’s appointments are an ideal diagnostic method for a crisis like this. Ro’s solution encourages patients to stay home and see a doctor virtually before taking public transit, going to work, or entering a crowded doctors office where the virus could spread to at-risk members of the population. IBM, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have all made decisions to cancel non-essential travel and instill work from home policies as infection rates continues to rise.

Reitano’s conscious choice to tweet out Ro’s COVID-19 solution from his personal account, rather than from the company’s twitter account gives this timely healthcare offering a leader, one with an identifiable face and a name. Ro’s employees see Reitano’s leadership, and know that their founder is ready to help them get the care they need. Telemedicine’s core value proposition is centered around digitally available healthcare solutions —which enabled this nimble company to adapt to changing public health concerns. Please share this solution widely and check Ro’s site for updates as this free diagnostic becomes available in more states.

Rosecliff is a proud investor in Ro, the parent brand behind Roman, Rory, and Quit With Zero. Learn more about Ro, the treatments they offer, and their latest agreement with Pfizer.

