Frustrated with the state of UX research? You’re not alone.

See what transformational forces and change-making awaits at the Advancing Research 2023 conference by Rosenfeld Media.

Anne Mamaghani
Rosenfeld Media
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Are you frustrated with the state of UX research? Does it feel like things have stagnated?

We have good news and bad news — and they’re the same news: you’re not alone. Many of the research leaders and senior practitioners we spoke with are feeling the same way.

Many in research are feeling frustrated, and mired in stagnation, as the above italicized conference introduction states.

That’s why Rosenfeld Media has developed the Advancing Research conference — an entire conference to address this prevalent, collective adversity.

Advancing Research is an apt name. It acknowledges that our field of UX Research needs advancement. And simultaneously, it claims as its purpose at least some of that advancement.

Advancing Research 2023 is calling us to leverage our frustration and stagnation to come together to make valuable improvements, as made apparent by the next paragraph of the conference introduction:

Advancing Research 2023 is your opportunity to collaboratively re-assess the state of the practice, consider the increasingly complex demands being placed upon research teams and leaders, and work together to define clear roles, set goals, and establish scalable solutions for achieving them.

And who better to do that than us researchers?

Advancing Research 2023’s Special Recipe For Scalable Solutions to Research’s Problems

How do we know that Advancing Research 2023 will deliver on these promises? Because the conference has some special ingredients going into its recipe for scalable solutions, such as compelling themes and speaker topics.

The titles of these ingredients make clear that Advancing Research 2023 really will drive that strong, committed, no-nonsense focus on moving the field forward.

For example, take a look at the conference’s three key themes — each of which is, in effect, a mini-conference, with its own leader and speakers:

  • Research As a Transformational Force (Theme 1)
  • Researchers as Organizational Changemakers (Theme 2)
  • Transforming Our Craft (Theme 3)





These theme titles are not about business-as-usual stasis. They’re about evolving UX Research. They’re about empowering researchers and elevating research.

And if that’s not enough to convince you that Advancing Research 2023 is serious about meaningful metamorphosis, just stay tuned for my next post to find out what nine UX Research experts — all speakers at the conference — have to say about it.

Anne Mamaghani is a User Experience Strategist with decades of UX and leadership experience. She founded Wisdom Driven UX to leverage user experience to drive business results in a variety of industries, on- and off-line.

She’s also a speaker and sought-out mentor on topics of user experience, user experience research, leadership, thriving as a woman in the corporate world, thriving as a parent in the corporate world, mindfulness and personal growth.



Anne Mamaghani
Rosenfeld Media

Deep expertise in User Experience across organizational levels drives my ability to quickly assess needs, design a customized solution and execute efficiently.