Five Friends At A Concert

steve wardrip
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2017

by Steve Wardrip

Seating was tight on the trip over the river to the concert, but being close friends, they didn’t mind being packed like sardines into the small convertible sports car. “Blue Bob” was playing and “Sand Sharks” were the opening act. They had planned the trip for over three months, had their tickets in hand, Sal, Sam, Sarah, Seth and Steve.

They rocked and they rolled when the main attraction took the stage. Jumping up and down with delight, dancing the night away with joy, relief and pure, unadulterated fun! The music was extraordinaire, the lighting was exquisite, the vibe in the air was refreshing, new, alive and exciting!

What the five friends at the concert didn’t know was that there had been a major incident behind the scenes at the show. The police were working a crime scene backstage while everyone was focused on the entertainers. They caught a terrorist trying to sneak in wearing a bomb vest. The suspect was in custody and the investigation started. No one except security knew a thing about it. It is amazing that one person can come and attack so many without their knowledge, and it is equally amazing that the police are so tuned into this sort of terrorism, that they can detect, apprehend and secure the area without disturbing a single soul. Amazing!

When the concert let out, it was a very orderly process. Everyone waited patiently as the ushers and security directed them to their cars and an exit to the highway. There was a large presence of flashing lights and emergency vehicles.

“What’s up with all that cop activity? We’re just peace loving people, man!”, stated Sal.

Sam came back with a loud, “Yo! What’s dem coppers think they doin’? Tryin’ to bully us just ’cause we like good music? Hey copper, you think I’m on drugs? I’m high on life dude! Blue Bob rocks!”

Sarah said,”Yeah, they are a pain, intimidating people, but when it comes down to it, you know you’re glad they are there to protect you.”

Seth clarified the situation, “Look, we all know we need cops. There are so many of them they need stuff to do so they come to concerts and parades and games and all kinds of stuff just to show off their lights and might! HaHa! Let ’em play their games.”

Steve seemed to sum it up in his way of thinking, “I think we spend too much money on security. I mean all the millions it takes everyday to keep this country safe… Is it really worth it? The money might be used better somewhere else, like something that would benefit everyone.”

All the kids went home safe and sound. It wasn’t until the next morning, the news about the terrorist attack surfaced in the news. Breakfast was different for each one of the five friends. You see, each one of them had a policeman for a parent. They all met and became friends at a policeman’s Summer camp a couple of years back.

Their phones we abuzz with the “We were there!” texts and pics.

Sarah said, “I’m so thankful they were ready for them, so proud that my Dad is a cop.”

Seth said, “God is good. He took care of us and we didn’t even know it.”

Sam said, “We’re lucky we didn’t all get killed. It won’t stop me from going to concerts!”

Sal says, “Well, I’m glad my Dad is a cop too. He was even there. I was boogying, partying and he’s out back risking his life to save ours. Wow!”

Steve puts his spin on it, “Well, maybe it is worth all the effort we put in counterterrorism. No, let me rephrase that, It is definitely worth every penny if it saves lives. It saved our lives, so let’s just be thankful and hope it never happens again. God bless dads and cops. Amen.”

… and two months later they were all five, together at the big concert to see the sensational new big act, “Cop Killer Gang” with the opening act, “Subtle Reminder”



steve wardrip

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot