You Must Make Your Own Happiness

steve wardrip
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2017

by m.s.wardrip

People will let you down, abandon you, desert you, avoid, mistreat, beat and cheat you. If you want happiness, you must create and maintain it by yourself.

Others can make you happy, but they don’t always do it. Sometimes you make yourself sad. You can do the same with making happiness.

When you create your own happiness, you share the joy with yourself as if there were two of you. You can secretly be happy with yourself.

You can just start to smile about things. You can force a laugh. You can encourage a grin. You can tickle yourself with a feather and laugh out loud.

Life well planned will fail. Plan on all scenarios. List your gains and fails.

Enjoy what joy there might be in solitude for you are together with a Mother when you are born and you will die with a Father to be together with.

I want God to make me happy because I am unable to do this myself. I encourage you to make your own happiness. If you can’t, I suggest you want God to make you happy. I think He is the only one who can.

So, what do I do to make myself happy? I dream and scheme, I plan, design, create and move on. I never quit anything but sometimes I get finished with it. When I’m finished, I’m done. There are other things to do. People have things to do. Don’waste time. There is only so much time left in this dimension.

While you are at it, try to make others happy. Sometimes, a simple hello is enough to make someone’s day. Happiness multiplies, so make it and help it grow.

When you make your own happiness, you add to the system. When there, happiness spreads. Create it, make it happen, be happy. Let happiness be.

I know you’re not happy, I’m not either. I don’t think anyone is. Not as happy as they could be or will be. People will always live in doubt and fear to degrees. It’s not hopeless. I’m still here and I’m happy sometimes.

I know what happiness is and I want it always, but it is elusive for me, hiding behind the next tree, waiting to be discovered. I must look for it. I know happiness is there. If not, no problem, I’ll just make some happiness.

Here I sit, alone and happier.

I hope you are happier too.

If you are not happy, get that way.

You can do it.

If not, you can look forward to it.

Happiness is yours.

Let happy happen.



steve wardrip

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot