ROSS CTO & Co-founder Jimoh Ovbiagele interviewed by RE•WORK Blog

Kathleen Killin
ROSS’ #LegalTech Corner
3 min readDec 13, 2016

ROSS CTO & Co-founder Jimoh Ovbiagele spoke with RE•WORK Blog about how #AI will assist the growing need for virtual assistants and why the legal industry is ripe for change. See below for excerpts from the article and find the entire interview here.


By Diane Bédat, Global Summit Creator — RE•WORK December 12, 2016

Lawyers today are overwhelmed with information. 3 million new laws get published every single year. Currently, lawyers use legal search engines that have confusing user interfaces, require complicated search syntax, and return thousands of irrelevant results. ROSS Intelligence build artificially intelligence tools to enhance lawyer’s abilities which allow them to do more than was ever humanly possible before. Lawyers can send ROSS their research questions by email, and it will use machine learning and natural language understanding techniques like deep learning, entity-relational analysis, and deep dependency parsing to read the law and find their answers. It is the world’s first artificially intelligent lawyer.

Jimoh Ovbiagele, CTO & Co-Founder at ROSS Intelligence, will be presenting at the Virtual Assistant Summit in San Francisco on 26–27 January. Jimoh will be discussing the artificially intelligent tools ROSS Intelligence build to enhance lawyer’s abilities and will focus on how some of the techniques can be used to create natural interfaces to find information.

We caught up with Jimoh ahead of the event to find out his thoughts on the uptake of virtual assistants, which industries he thinks will be most disrupted by this technology and the future of virtual assistants.

What do you feel are the leading factors enabling recent advancements and uptake of virtual assistants?

I believe recent advancements in virtual assistants have been driven by the growing supply of A.I. components.

A.I. component makers are what steel suppliers were to building skyscrapers in the 19th century. If everyone building a skyscraper needed to produce their own steel, New York City would be flat today. We have two sayings at ROSS Intelligence: “stand on the shoulders of giants” and “build what doesn’t exist”.

I think consumer demand has been driven by the promise of convenience and personalization. The ability to tell a virtual assistant, “bring me to a new restaurant in the neighbourhood that my girlfriend would like and I haven’t been to before,” and have it research, book a reservation and hail an Uber is game changing.

On the other hand, the business world is driven by what it has always been… competition. Businesses have an abundance of information today, but they haven’t had the right tools to make use of it. Forward-looking companies have recognized how virtual assistants can help them distil all this information and enable them to make better and faster decisions to beat their competitors….

For the rest of the interview, click here to visit the RE•WORK Blog.

