Artificial Intelligence

Danielle Savage
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2018

To me artificial intelligence seems like a science fiction myth. I have always viewed it as something that everyone would joke about, as if there was never a chance it could come true. However I’ve recently changed my mind on the subject. I can say I have seen a robot that look extremely human, and with all the advancement technology has made, artificial intelligence becoming a day to day thing seems more of a possibility. With technology like Alexa and Google Home, it has become evident how useful it can be. In Newman’s article, she recognises the common belief that technology can isolate us. However, she mentions how Siri did the opposite for her autistic son. Instead of making him become isolated, Siri actually helped develop his social cues. In Chiang’s article, he mentions how artificial intelligence lacks the ability of insight, making them incapable of completing a task without understanding the negative effects the most efficient way to complete it might have. He then goes on to compare it to monopolising companies and their lack of insight, saying companies behave the same as a “rouge” AI.

