Blog 3

Samuel Venick
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018

In wake of the recent school shooting Wednesday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 dead and more than a dozen injured, critics and activists for gun control have rallied to let their voice be heard. More have come to call for change after it was announced the president revealed his plan to pass a bill that would aim to arm teachers. Many voicing their concerns are teachers, the people that a situation similar to what took place in Parkland could happen to. Published in the Independent article, “Ivanka Trump says plan to arm teachers with guns is ‘not a bad idea’”, are opinions of said teachers. Referring to the president Trump’s potential bill, user bluewolf paintings, a teacher on twitter tweeted, “As a teacher I say ~ hell no”. Similarly, another teacher on twitter, L lou tweeted, “I’m a teacher, and I don’t give a hoot what ivanka’s opinion is. Tell her to get back to me when she’s taught a classroom of first graders for 17 years.”. The author, Peter Stubley, is arguing the side opposite of Ivanka Trump. While Ivanka is not blindly supporting her father’s bill, she actually adds a stipulation about her opinion, many have jumped on her for even thinking about it, just refer back to the tweets mentioned in the article. The author is utilizing people who could possibly find themselves in the very same situation as the one that unfolded in Parkland. Who would know better of how to protect students and possibly arm teachers then the people who need to protect said students and possibly possess firearms than teachers themselves? That is the conventional thought however, as further reading brings to light that not all teachers think the same way as those quoted in the article. That being said, the authors implementation of tweets by teachers specifically helps draw credibility. In regards to events like a school shooting, most people lean one way or the other way with little impartial about it. With that in mind, this is a very sensitive subject and many people took strong opinions against Trump, making it harder for Stubley to be ‘civil’ in his disagreement of her.

