Blog Post Number 5

Teresa Piccolo
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018

Teresa Piccolo

English 110

Blog Post Number 5

In the Ted Talk, the speaker, video game creator Jane McGonigal speaks of how video games could potentially help “save the world.” She tries to persuade the audience that the people on this world should be playing at least 21 billion hours of video games a week because it will help solve world issues. This is the “so what?” of her Ted Talk, because she states the issues of the world and how video gamers, when faced with a problem are always trying to resolve it. To the topic of “who cares?” McGonigal implies that all individuals should care about this topic as deeply as she because it could potentially be the solution to many issues. McGonigal answered these topics thoroughly during her Ted Talk being sure to keep her audience entertained at all times to ensure they’re listening. This strategy is vital because it allows the viewers to continue focusing on what McGonigal is saying and grasp what she is explaining.This strategy was clever for a talk, however I do not believe it would be too efficient as a writing strategy because it could cause the author to lose sight of what they are truly writing about and take away meaning from their work.

Though McGonigal stated the “so what?” and “who cares?” in her talk, I feel the ending of the talk was rather weak. I found her main argument to have a lack of significant data and believe if McGonigal could have made her evidence more “concrete” then more people would be inclined to agree with her assertion.

