Blog Pot #6

Alyssa White
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018

Different articles focus on different technologies that are being used in secondary education. In an academic research paper focusing on the impact of technology on science education, Zarah Aljuzayri along with his co-authors, quote another author who puts the different devices into separate categories. Aljuzayri says, “Isman, Yaratan, and Caner (2007) defined four different kinds of technology tools: classical, modern, computer, and laboratory. Classical tools include chalkboards, workbooks, whiteboards, and drawing instruments. Modern tools include the internet, calculators, and video cameras. Computer technologies were described as various software, hardware, computers, and scanners/copiers. Laboratory technologies include Bunsen burners, gloves, goggles, pipets, probes, and interface devices” (2017, pg. 21). In reference to this research paper, we will focus solely on the Computer and Modern tools that are used in secondary classrooms. Specifically, laptops, smartphones, internet, social media, and power point presentations.


Researchers and authors tend to focus on different technologies and topics when talking about technology in secondary education. In an academic research paper focusing on the impact of technology in science education, Zarah Aljuzayri quotes another author who places these technologies into different categories. He states “Isman, Yaratan, and Caner (2007) defined four different kinds of technology tools: classical, modern, computer, and laboratory. Classical tools include chalkboards, workbooks, whiteboards, and drawing instruments. Modern tools include the internet, calculators, and video cameras. Computer technologies were described as various software, hardware, computers, and scanners/copiers. Laboratory technologies include Bunsen burners, gloves, goggles, pipets, probes, and interface devices ” (2017, pg. 21). For this research paper, we will focus on the modern and computer technologies. Modern technologies in this research paper will focus on the internet and social media. The computer technology portion of this research paper will focus on laptops, smart phones and power point presentations.


In order to revise the paragraph, I reworded and elaborated on certain concepts more. For example, in the beginning I reworded it to make the sentence flow better while also clarifying who was talking about technology in secondary education. For the most part, I kept the middle portion the same because in my research paper I will be using the quote to guide my paper along. I revised the last sentence because I wanted it to be more specific to what I would be talking about in reference to the modern and computer technologies. I also wanted to clarify that my definition of modern and computer technology is slightly different than the one used in the quote. Mainly because the research I have done leaves out technologies such as scanners/copiers, hardware and video cameras. The articles and studies I chose focus on smart phones, laptops, social media and the internet. Therefore, I think its important to emphasize what specific technology I will be talking about in the beginning of the paper.

