Crime that has oripled Romania, how did the authorities react?

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5 min readJul 28, 2019

She is Alexandra, an angel of only 15 years who fought until the last minute to survive,
but sadly, the indifference of the authorities and the sadism that the demon Dinca Gheorghe proved, they made Alexandra to die in torments and tears. The chances for her to be saved ,were 100% if the authorities were doing their duty. We chose to detail below what happened from the time of the kidnapping to the moment of adolescence’s death, and that’s just so that you can better understand at what stage Romania is at the moment


In the absence of transportation at that time, the girl would have been taken by Gheorghe Dinca with the car, she wanted to return home from the city of Caracal, in the evening the parents of the girl announced the authorities about her disappearance

25.07.2019 (11:05 am)

The girl called 3 times to emergency 112, demanding desperate help

„- I was raped and beaten and I’m still tied up, i’m in an old house, almost deserted, grass in the yard. There are two wolf dogs, it’s in service, the girl said ”

She has tried to help the authorities and provide them with as much information as possible about the location. Finally he found a visiting card nearby, communicating the address, unfortunately, the address was not correct.

The last words were:

„- COMES !!! COMES !!!! ”

Although every citizen calling 112 is identified at least after the full name and location data of the reported case, from pure naiveness, the authorities still wondered if the little girl who called them is really Alexandra. At the insistences of Alexandru Cumpănaşu (the uncle of the girl), they received a confirmation from their parents, but the time had passed quite a long time. 112 operators made the wrong call back, the killer heard and realized where the call came from

Alexandru Cumpănaşu declare:

- From 11:05, when it was Alexandra’s first call, until 23:00 o’clock, they did not confirm that she was the person who called. I s told them to take the girl’s parents to listen to the recording, then she took the girl’s father and confirmed that was her !!.

The police’s answer was:

„- What, the killer leaves the phone at hand to the victim? ”

(We mention that the killer forgot his phone in the house, he was gone at that moment)

The girl’s father was threatened and mocked by the authorities,

He was taken to places that were flagged erroneously by STS (Special Telecommunication Services) for searches, same STS that can easily locate instances of injuries by calling 112, or false bomb threats, but with indifference or incompetence, STS could not locate exactly the girl’s calls to 112.

Arriving at those locations, the police would tell the father:

- Come on, what the hell … you know what the girls are like today … tomorrow morning shows up with your loved one

Moreover, law people would have taken the girl’s father into the first two searches, where he would have to break the doors from houses, saying that if he happens to find with a boy he will pay damage.

Come on, break the door we do not want to come in

(the police said)

The Caracal Police Chief would tell father:

if yes hells to have a relationship with a boy, you pay all the searches

Other police officers would have told the girl’s father to think twice before filing a complaint because the girls are coming back after a day at home

26.07.2019 ( 3:30 the night )

Police finally arrived at the house where Alexandra was kidnapped, after 19 hours of incompetence pure

(We mentioned again that the locations offered by STS were false, the police were more guided by the surveillance cameras in the area.)

While the police were in front of Gheorghe Dinca’s home, Alexandra’s screams could be heard from the house, unfortunately they were the last moments of her life.

Alexandra’s last words were:

- leave me alone, that you kill me !!

police might entered the house and they could have saved it and some officers asked the prosecutors to let them enter, but the prosecutors banned the police from entering in home because they were only empowered for 6 am in the morning and so did they. Obviously the reason invoked by the prosecutors in order not to take action is a ridiculous and false one, but they had at least 2 laws which allowed them to enter without mandate when citizens’ lives are endangered, or for any reason that represents real danger.

This is the demon Gheorghe Dinca, passionate about horror movies, rape and killing of children, about him we will talk more widely in a future article

First, he tried to deny the crimes, saying neither Alexandra nor Luiza (victim 2 of whom we will speak in the next article) that he did not kill them and did not know them It was only today 28.07.2019 that he gave up and finally admitted the crimes he committed.

Criminal dressed in the victim’s clothes

These are parts of a human body found in a boiler after being sifted, on top right, is the jewels of the girl. Easy way to heavens

In the next article, we will talk about Luiza, the missing date of 3 months, the responsible is exactly the same Gheorghe Dinca.

