Rotee — Discovering the essence of home cooked food.

Aakash Khatri
Rotee News


How it all began.

It’s June ’18, thunderstorms in Mumbai are a regular affair now. The clouds are bursting with rigorous showers of never ending rain and our tummies crave for food, home made, delicious, hygienic and healthy food.

somangshu Goswami and I have known each other for quite a while now. Working and building products fueled by tech which have the power of inflicting change, has been something which has always excited us. We’ve always been motivated to create products which can help people and make their lives significantly better.

Coincidentally if you may, we’ve both been avid foodies. My friends may disagree owing to my lean body but looks can be deceiving. In the end of June ’18, pushed by the thirst to work with exceptional people, I found myself discussing the idea of building a home food delivery platform with Somangshu on a rather casual evening. The idea in a matter of seconds had both of us completely blown away with the endless possibilities it could have. We both wanted Rotee to be a means for the home chefs to earn money and also a platform for people to showcase to the world their indigenous food creations which you wouldn’t find in any conventional restaurant menu. On the other hand, as bachelors ourselves, we faced the dire need for authentic home food on a daily basis when more often than not, restaurant food proved to expensive and a rather generous mixture of spices which made our intestines, well, upset to put it subtly.

So here we were with this magnificent idea, waiting to be unraveled into the big wild world. Over the next 7 months, we worked non-stop, spoke to chefs, customers, conducted online surveys and offline meetups to build and perfect the concept of Rotee.

Rotee was officially launched on 17 Feb, 2019 to a small audience of home chefs. As I write this, we are currently serving in Bangalore with close to 200 home chefs and 1000+ dishes. We’ve got students pursuing culinary courses, housewives wanting to do more with their time, professionals selling their signature dishes on the weekend and after work and a bunch of extremely passionate people as home chefs on Rotee and we couldn’t be more happy and grateful.

And this, is only the beginning.

