DC Tower: Portal to the Virtual Space Station

Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2023

A few weeks ago, CEO Tomislav Matic presented a virtual world project at the open day of the BHAK BHAS Gänserndorf.

This week a group of students came to our office in the DC Tower and flew to the space station!
It was great to see how the young people reacted to VR. Their faces lit up when they tried the VR goggles and started moving around the VR space!

The fourth-year students at BHAK Gänserndorf will also have the opportunity to try out co-creating VR spaces as part of their E-Business classes. Their visit marks the beginning of the cooperation between our company and BHAK BHAS Gänserndorf.

The skills the students will gain through this collaboration are future-oriented and perfect for the foreseeable development of the labor market. In addition, Metaclassroom makes the lectures more interesting for the students and provides the teachers with tools that make it easier for them to prepare for and conduct the lessons.
Tomislav Matic and Hadil Krenn welcomed the students and their teacher, Ms. Kotrnoch-Kubena, to our office by presenting what Crypto Future and FinCity are doing and how they are building a professional stance of using VR and modern technologies in their companies and for clients.

Speaking specifically about the connection between schools and VR, Matic said, “My personal goal is to provide support for VR and Metaverse as a tool. The topics students choose depend on their interests and the patient guidance of their teachers. In this way, learning is accompanied by intrinsic motivation and curiosity.”

Read more about this cooperation here:

