A Cyborg Handbook:

How to Become the Most Advanced Human on the Planet

Evan Greally
Droga5 Dublin
6 min readApr 17, 2023


I now live in a world where my 76 year old father is asking ChatGPT how to troubleshoot his smart home heating system and reminiscing with an AI model about his hometown of Ballyhaunis in County Mayo on the west coast of Ireland. Is my dad now a cyborg?

I find myself thinking about the blurred lines between humans and AI, with the development of human augmentation through wearables and implants. It’s clear that the merging of technology into our lives is both fascinating and inescapable, which means it won’t be just the tech-minded among us that transform into digitally-enhanced beings — but our fathers too! We’re gradually approaching the (once imaginary) domain of cyborgs.

CYBORG CHECKLIST — are you a digitally-enabled human or in the presence of one?

  • Digital dependency: heavily reliant on digital devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers, for their daily activities, communication, and entertainment.
  • Wearables: devices such as a smartwatch, fitness tracker or even a hearing aid that monitors health, provides notifications, or controls other devices.
  • Virtual assistants: frequently interacts with AI-powered virtual assistants, like Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri or ChatGPT, for information, guidance, or general conversation.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Integration: integrates IoT devices into their daily life, such as smart home systems that control lighting, heating, or security.
  • Augmented reality: utilises AR devices, such as social media face filters or AR glasses, to enhance their perception of the world and access digital information in real-time.
  • E-Health monitoring: utilises digital health services, such as telemedicine, mobile health apps, or remote patient monitoring devices.
  • AI collaboration: uses AI tools for creative or professional purposes, such as content generation, data analysis, or problem-solving.
  • Digital implants: undergone procedures to implant technology into their body, like an RFID chip, a neural interface, or a sensory augmentation device.
  • Biohacking: engages in biohacking, such as DIY genetic engineering, nootropics, or other methods for cognitive or physical enhancement.
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs): uses BCIs to control digital devices or improve cognitive functions?

A cyborg / (ˈsaɪˌbɔːɡ) / noun. (in science fiction) a living being whose powers are enhanced by computer implants or mechanical body parts.

Hmm, “in science fiction”. Looks like we might have skipped the fiction and ran with the science in the last decade. Just look at the increased integration of technology into our daily lives and its impact on the way we perceive and interact with the world. We cling to our devices and are heavily influenced by them. It’s safe to say WE’VE LITERALLY attached ourselves to the digital world.


In China, the country with more industrial robots than the rest of the world combined, automation and robotics are commonplace; and are laying the groundwork for innovation. When I was working in Shanghai, I spent years developing digitally-enhanced engineers, blending the digital and physical worlds with Digital Twins, IoT, ML, and Mixed Reality. In factories, I’ve seen 6-axis robotic arm welders in action, with a myriad of data streaming and overlaying the arm with immaculate precision.

These years developing digitally enhanced workers have brought me to a pivotal moment — the desire to create extraordinary humans. And even though it’s been 63 years since the term “cyborg” was first introduced in a 1960 NASA paper by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline; today we stand on the brink of a new human renaissance. One fuelled by technological advancements and boundless curiosity (or maybe naivety?) of the human spirit.

This is no longer a factory setting but our daily lives. The landscape of consumer mixed-reality (MR) headsets, such as Nreal, Snap Spectacles, and potentially Apple Glass, are set to transform dramatically. These devices are integrating with advanced AI systems and unlocking a world of possibilities for users. In the next few years, we can anticipate a rapid surge in the adoption of consumer-level headsets synergised with ChatGPT, ushering in a new era of immersive and interactive experiences.


Ok. So you need to get out there and buy yourself an MR headset. Then connect it to your smartphone and give GPT-4 access to the headset’s camera. Let it listen to your surroundings with speech-to-text technology… Voilà! You have now ascended to the ranks of the most digitally advanced humans on the planet.

But where does this new 3D UI experience actually lead? Of course there are all the expected benefits, such as real-time translation, navigation assistance, shopping assistance and social media integration. But let’s go beyond that and delve into the next level of possibilities.


This is truly going to be a surreal era; as I close my eyes, I can envision some potential concepts:

  • Emotion detection — gauges the emotional states of those around you to improve communication and empathy.
  • Memory enhancement — as you walk around, you receive real-time cues and reminders about people, places and past experiences.
  • Mood-based ambiance — adjusts the lighting, colors, and music in your environment based on emotions or preferences.
  • Dream simulation — overlaying dream-like elements and imagination into reality, creating surreal experiences.
  • Skill acquisition — receive step-by-step guidance through complex tasks in real-time, learning new skills on the fly.
  • Time-lapse — witness the progression of events, nature, or construction projects in accelerated time.

You may be thinking that all that sounds a bit unrealistic. But actually, when you look across the myriad of AI models coming online, we already have capabilities to do everything listed above. It’s now just a matter of putting the right jigsaw pieces together.


What really excites me is the applications around learning, health and solving real human issues. One of those close to my heart would be dyslexia. It’s something that plagued my youth and I never really understood how to live with it until my early 20’s. But with the evolution of technology, could this lead to a revolutionary change for those with similar conditions?

Imagine mixed reality glasses that use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to identify text from various sources (books, screens, or signs) and then use GTP-4 to convert the recognized text into natural-sounding speech. Words could be visually highlighted, emphasized, or broken down into syllables, making it easier for people to decode and read. Users could receive personalized information, assistance in handwriting and instant definitions, synonyms, and explanations for unfamiliar words.


The fusion of human existence with AI and wearable technology means we’re heading into an era where technology actually enhances our abilities. Ultimately, our biology will no longer hold us back. So yes, we are becoming cyborgs. And as we continue to explore the possibilities offered by this digital revolution, let’s embrace the extraordinary and harness the new to create a better world. Our future as cyborgs is not a threat, but an opportunity. An opportunity to evolve beyond our limitations and change what it really means to be human.



Evan Greally
Droga5 Dublin

Head of Creative Build for Droga5 — part of Accenture Song