Jumper Review

Jamesperry Frazier-Baker
Rotten Apples
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2019

So, before I get started I would just like to make it known that the movie I am reviewing is not a very well known in the first place, but we will cover that later on down the road. First, we should get into the plot.


So, it starts in Ann Arbor, Michigan with a 15-year-old David Rice who decides to give his crush, Millie Harris a snow globe. It was all good until a bully, named Mark decides to throw it onto a frozen river. David decides to try and go receive it but while trying to do so he falls through the ice and is pulled down under by the current. He begins to panic but then he suddenly finds himself in the local library and discovers his ability to “jump” from one place to other places. After discovering and figuring out how to use his new talent, he then leaves his abusive father and runs away from home.

The plot then jumps to eight years later, now an adult, David is living a very lavish lifestyle on stolen money he acquired from ‘jumping’ into and out of bank vaults. Until one day, he is ambushed in his home by Roland Cox who is the commander of the Paladins, which is a secret society that track and kill the jumpers. They hunt the jumpers because they believe that only god should have the ability to have that kind of power. Roland fails in capturing David which leads him to return to his home town to see his childhood crush. When David returns to he invites her on a trip to Rome. But Roland will later discover that Mark is in police custody which helps him learn and understand David’s identity.

While in Rome they go to visit the colosseum, where David encounters a guy named Griffin, who is another Jumper. While they’re there a small group of Paladins attack there them, but Griffin just casually kills them all, then he jumps away. David then tries to leave with Millie, but he’s detained by the police and questioned about the deaths in the colosseum and why he was in there in the first place. Then David’s mother who had left him when he was younger appears to help him escape. She urges him to leave Rome with Millie immediately, to protect her. Millie, upset and afraid when David tries to skirt around the issue, demands to know the truth. David declines and puts her on a plane home.

David runs into Griffin again later on and continues to follow him until he reaches his hideout in a cave in some desert. Griffin then reveals that he has been following and killing the Paladins for years and wants to kill Roland next, so he can get revenge for his parents’ deaths. Griffin warns David that the Paladins will target any of his loved ones to set him up. This leads David to teleport home to see that his father is lying bleeding on the ground. He gets his father to a hospital and returns to Griffin to ask for help. Realizing Roland is personally hunting David, Griffin agrees. They end up fighting Roland until David teleports Millie to safety and dumps Roland in a cave in.


This movie has some pretty well-known actors and actresses that help make the movie the way that it is, and I feel that everyone brings their own edge that helps make the movie as good as it is. I always know when I see some of these people acting then I can expect it to be a great one to watch because the people acting now how to get the job done right every single time. I feel that the acting was pretty good considering the movie came out in 2008, I feel that everyone knew what they needed to do to help make this movie as good as it could be. I felt a strong connection to what the characters were feeling during the whole movie, they helped me put myself into the characters shoes and made it easier to understand what they were feeling at different points in the movie.


This cast consists of some pretty well-known names from many other movies such as Samuel L. Jackson, Rachel Bilson, Anna Sophia Robb, Kristen Stewart, and so many more great actors and actresses. If we are being honest any movie with Samuel L. Jackson should be a good one to watch no matter the topic. And honestly, I would love seeing a lot of these people back in a second part to this movie, but by the looks of it all I don’t think there will even be a second part to this movie unless they are waiting a super long time to come out with another one. But I think I am perfectly fine with just having this one.

Has it aged well

The movie came out in 2008 which makes it 11 years since it was released and honestly from my personal experience it has not aged as well as I would have hoped, I know a lot of people who don’t even know what this movie is or even what it is about. So, to say that this movie has aged extremely well is kind of a stretch. For me personally it has aged well because I still watch this movie to this day, anytime I am with a group of friends and I need to pick a movie that not many people have seen but that will still be entertaining this is always my first option, I love watching this movie no matter how it has been and I love introducing new people to the movie as well.


In a rating system out of 10, I would like to give it a number in the realm of eight but based on how many people I know that have seen this movie I just can not do that simply because I feel like this movie did not get all of the popularity that other movies did. So, my end rating for this would be a six and a half to about a seven.

