Solo Review

Aidan Sturdivan
Rotten Apples
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2019

By: Aidan Sturdivan

The Star Wars series started in 183 with the movie A New Hope. They then came out with 5 more movies to complete the original series. After a wide success of the movies Disney then bought out the Star Wars name and planned to make sequels to the original movies. They also made some about the life of some characters before they were hero’s of the galaxy. The movie Solo is about Han Solo before he met Luke Skywalker.

The movie starts out explaining how Han met Chewwbacca. They both were apart of the Empire. Han was a solider and Chewwbacca was something they used to kill and eat people that disobey the Empire. Han tires to join in on a group of people that are stealing from the Empire and he tries to black mail them into letting him in with them. They then tell the general and they take Han away and put him in Chewwbacca’s cage to be eaten. He then communicates to Chewwbacca that they need to escape. After escaping they go to find the burglars and join with them on there quest to steal the ship.

I think that this is a great way for Han to meet his future best friend. Them escaping together instantly creates a strong bond between the two of them. The writers did an excellent job creating an interaction between the two characters. Han also meets his leader through this job. His leader guides him through the journey giving advice and teaching him valuable lessons.

The next major part of the movie is when Han Solo and his team go to Lando’s mansion to get a ship from him. the only way that they can get a fast enough ship to get the coaxium to the refinery before it explodes. He is sweet talking Lando and slowly winning some actual money. Then in one of his last hands Lando bets his ship against Han’s imaginary ship. Han ends up winning the ship and their leader, Bennett, convinces him to only take 20%.

This part of the movie would be an example of foreshadowing of Han staying at Lando’s planet in one of the first six movies. Also they did a very good job casting his part. Donald Glover does a very good job at acting for this part. One thing that they could have done better for this part is when they were flying in it was all snowy and cold but when they were leaving they were in a more desert like climate. Other than that this part was a very well put together piece of the movie.

After they have retrieved the ship they head off to get the coaxium. They fly into this mining facility.Once they get there the trick the owners into faking a trade with them. After they get in L-3, a droid, setts one droid free. Then this droid goes on to free other droids. Han then gets into the vault to get the coaxium. It is extremely heavy and he has a very difficult time carrying it out. Chewwbacca then comes out of nowhere and takes out all of the guards and helps Han push back the coaxium to the ship. Once they get above ground again all of the freed droids are causing an uprising. This causes madness throughout the facility. They barely manage to escape. Once they escape they are met with an Emperial Blockade. They have to fly into this mess of clouds that have living things inside of them. While they are flying through they encounter a huge beast. It would be a problem but Lando puts L-3 mind into the ship and navigates their way out.

This is an exhilarating part of the movie. Every second there is some action or fighting going on. Either the droids going crazy or the people that work at the mining facility to keep from being taken over, there is always some kind of action going on. Between gun shots, fighting, and planning there are plenty of funny comments and subtle humor just to lighten the mood. You are on your set for this entire part of the movie. The editing and sounds are on section are on perfect. The editing makes the inside of the mess of clouds look realistic and very creepy.

The movie ends in great fashion. Bennett, after slowly and subtly foreshadowing all of his advice throughout the movie. He betrays Solo and tries to take the coaxium to his boss. Han is taken off guard by this. He expected Bennett to do the right thing and give it to his boss and get out but he doesn’t. He tries to take out all of the coaxium for his own gain. Han then comes to Bennett’s boss tries to give him fake coaxium. They catch him with the fake coaxium while in his office. Then Bennett walks back into his boss’ office and steals the real coaxium back and leaves.Han then chases down Bennett and ends up shooting him before he even has a choice to defend himself.

I actually thought the end of the movie was a great way to end it because it tied many loose strings that were left un tied during the movie. Bennett is found to be a traitor, Han is really a good guy in the end even though he claimed to be one of the bad ones, and all of Bennetts foreshadowing ended up coming true. Han thought ahead and didn’t trust Bennett. In the end Han came out on top and even got another job with previously known Jabba the Hut.

Rottens Apple score of 9/10.



Aidan Sturdivan
Rotten Apples
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Writer, Poet, Critique, Brother, Son, Lover . Your local high school writer.