The Incredibles 2

Tommy Faseru
Rotten Apples
Published in
5 min readMar 4, 2019


The Incredibles 2 is a kid-friendly animation movie that was released on June 15, 2018. This movie is about a superhero family that takes on an interesting new mission. Mr Incredible has to stay at the house and be a stay at home dad while his wife Helen goes on an adventure to save the world. Being a hero in this world was considered illegal. They had a mission to stop the Underminer but failed to do so. That raised concerns around the city. The wealthy Deavor siblings of Devtech offer new hope with a bold project to revive the corrupted image of superheroes. They appointed Ellastigirl (which was Helen) to be a prime example. Mr Incredibles has to stay at home with the kids. He finds regular life and not fighting a challenge.

Baby Jack-Jack has new powers and has made it difficult for Mr Incredible to manage. Dash has trouble with math homework, Violet becomes withdrawn after Tony fails to show up for their first date due to his memory being wiped, and Jack-Jack is being destructive with his powerful superpowers. He takes Jack-Jack to Edna Mode, who develops a suit that helps control his abilities.

Elastigirl still has her own problems to deal with. She has to handle an evil supervillain by the name of Screenslaver. He has mind control abilities hypnotizing people. Screensaver has a mystery to him. Elastigirl has to solve the mystery of this enemy, who projects hypnotic images by television screens. She tracks him down to his hideout in an apartment building and unmasks him as a pizza deliveryman who claims to have no recollection of his actions.

After screensaver's arrest, Winson announces a summit of World leaders to make superheroes legal. The summit was hosted on his luxury yacht. Later, when Helen is sceptical about Screenslaver, she realizes that he was controlled by a pair of mid-control goggles. Evelyn forces the goggles on Helen, revealing herself to be the mastermind behind the Screenslaver. Evelyn explains that she has hated superheroes since Gazerbeam and Fironic failed to save her father from being killed by burglars. The event led her to conclude that superheroes have taken independence from society, who in turn had become dangerously over-reliant on superheroes. Her plan was to sabotage her brother’s summit and cause a catastrophe that will destroy the reputation of superheroes.

Using Helen, she lures Bob into a trap, then sends another group of hypnotised superheroes previously invited to the summit to capture the Parr children. Lucius (Frozone) tries to protect them but is overwhelmed and also placed under Evelyn’s control.

Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack escape with the help of the Incredible, a high-tech car once owned by Mr Incredible, and reach Winston’s ship. On board, the hypnotized Bob, Helen, and Lucius recite a manifesto on air to paint superheroes as a threat. They subdue the ship crew, aim the ship at Municiberg, and destroy the controls. The Incredible children reach them, Jack-Jack removes Helen’s goggles, and she frees Bob and Lucius. The Parrs and Lucius release the other mind-controlled superheroes by destroying their goggles, then work together to prevent the ship from crashing into the city by turning the ship. Evelyn attempts to escape in a jet but is apprehended by Helen and arrested. Due to their actions, superheroes around the world regain legal status.

Later, Tony takes Violet to a movie with the family. When the Parrs spot a high-speed pursuit of gunmen by the police, Violet leaves Tony at the theatre, and the Incredibles give chase in a remodelled red Incredible.


This video is very entertaining and action packed and you will not get bored. Its starts off as the Parr family take on the underminer in an action-packed chain of events. The family has conflicts. From the start, we see what these issues are going to be. Despite the fact that Violet and Dash have proven themselves as young heroes, Mom and Dad still want to keep them out of harm’s way. Meanwhile, Violet and Dash are so desperate to live up to their potential with their powers that neither of them wants to take responsibility for Jack-Jack, even though that would be a big help in situations like this. They argue like any brother and sister, passing off their baby brother in the middle of the action. Bob and Helen (Mr and Mrs Increbile) also have problems. Bob believes he's the man to do all the action related work because of his heavyweight type ego. He also wants to be the tough guy and feels like he has to be the one that does all the heavy-lifting. Helen tries to clean up the mess Bob created. She saves people along the way by stopping traffic so a smashed overpass doesn’t take any lives. She’s the one who has to drop into The Underminer’s drill to disable it. Meanwhile, Dash and Violet are still passing the baby around outside, even handing him back to Bob at one point. This shows that these may be superheroes, but they’re also humans with problems. They’re a family just like any other.

“I don’t know if Disney Pixar’s Incredibles 2 is the best superhero movie this year (I mean, Black Panther) but it is the first time this year that as I walked through the theatre to leave, I seriously considered ducking into the 10 pm showing and watching it all over again immediately. It also has the greatest action I’ve ever seen in a superhero movie” says Leah Schnelbach from This review shows good the movie really is and there are many other sources saying similar things.

In conclusion, even though this movie is 2 hours long, I feel like this movie is worth it with its action-packed scenes and funny moments. I feel like this movie is ageing well. It was a good sequel from the first Incredibles. The voice overs were spot on. I give this movie a 10/10.

