The Birth of ‘Rotten Roots’…

Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife
Rotten Roots
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2023


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In my time here on Medium, I’ve shared a lot about my personal life, my family, and my mental health. I‘ve read and seen countless articles by other writers on similar topics.

My family has always meant a lot to me. No matter what I’m doing my family is on my mind.

It covers a pretty broad spectrum of topics really and it has a global impact.

Over the past few years, I have had a lot of emotional turmoil as a result of ‘family issues’.

For decades I have dedicated a lot of thought, time, and energy to breaking cycles of dysfunction, in my own family and with others.

Everyone has a vision of what the ‘perfect’ family looks like and I don’t know that I’ve ever met anybody that doesn’t long to have it. I also don’t think I’ve ever met anybody that really, truly has a perfect family. There’s always room for improvement.

People are at the root of all of the world’s problems.

If we could just fix people, we could solve every problem in the world. I know, it’s an impossible dream, but at the very least, I can hope to effect a small change.

Even if they refuse to admit it, people are a product of their family.



Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife
Rotten Roots

Half a century of walking the planet and what have I learned? I don't know jack! Life SHOULD be a splendid journey, but people tend to get in the way.