Fake Views

Rough Draft: Media, Creativity and Society
2 min readMar 25, 2019

In collaboration with Dieter Janssen.

Fake View: Winter, original painting by Andrew Wyeth, 1946

Fake Views imagines a Trump-branded America, promised as a return to some past greatness. The series is a ‘continuous monument’ contrived from one of Trump’s signature projects: the 24-karat-gold-infused glass tower. Here, they are (re)envisioned as walls inserted into a collection of images by US artists reflecting on the American landscape and its cultural identity. By obstructing these classic landscapes and creating fake views, we ask how Trump’s vision might play out if he achieves his stated goal, and what his promised greatness might refer to.

Fake View: Christina’s World, original painting by Andrew Wyeth, 1948
Fake View: Aireborne, Original Painting by Alex Roulette, 2010
Fake View: People in the Sun, Original Painting by Edward Hopper, 1960
Fake View: Jones Diner, Original Painting by Richard Estes, 1969
Fake View: Two and a Quarter, Original Photograph by William Eggleston, 1999
Fake View: Pave It and Paint It Green, Original Photography by Rondal Partridge, 1965



Rough Draft: Media, Creativity and Society

Observing the built environment and thinking about ordinary spaces| en/ar