


For the third issue of Vol.3 of Rough Draft, we’re examining how power manifests itself and shapes creative industries

What Are We Looking For?

  • Interpretation: What constitutes power? Who has it? How can understandings of power evolve to be more inclusive, more just, more loving?
  • Morals: Is ethical living possible? How can leadership be principled? How do we avoid replicating hierarchies within our own creative projects? How do we negotiate our entanglements with power structures?
  • Technology: What does democratization of technology actually mean, entails or imply? What can we expect from evolutions in energy production?
  • Action: How does your understanding of power affect the work you do? What is your responsibility in either perpetuating power or speaking truth to it?
  • Culture: How do different cultures conceive of and/or share power? What can we learn from those? Is another economy of power possible?
  • Absence: Who lacks power? What does empowering someone or a community entail?

What should I Write?

Contributions can be a personal story, a critical essay, the edited transcript of a conversation between people holding divergent views, an interview, an excerpt from a paper, a review of a book, movie, tv show, installation, digital art, etc. There’s even room for creative (science) fiction! ?

Articles should be between 500 to 800 words.

While the tone and style are at your discretion, we are looking for pieces that think critically about power. For inspiration or examples, don’t hesitate to look at past issues. You can also consult our guidelines.

If you have an idea but are not sure about the format, write to roughdraft@ryerson.ca before April 19, 2019 and we’ll happily provide feedback.

What is Rough Draft?

Rough Draft, an online publication supported by the FCAD One Ten, Ryerson University’s creative incubator, (made up of the Transmedia Zone, the Fashion Zone and the Design Fabrication Zone), as well as the Master’s of Media Production and the Master’s of Digital Media, is a space for creative entrepreneurs, scholars and practitioners to share their works and their reflections.

It was born out of the desire to provide an avenue for makers and thinkers to share their thoughts and ideas as they happen, to test out their ideas and concepts, to reflect on their craft and the lessons they’ve learned throughout their journey, and to inspire one another. As the name suggests, it is designed as a space where ideas can be tried out, iterated and discussed.

Sounds Good! How do I contribute?

Submit your article as a Google Doc by May 3, 2019 to roughdraft@ryerson.ca (You’re also welcome, and even encouraged, to submit a pitch or an abstract by April 19, 2019 if you’d like feedback before you start)

If selected you will receive edits within two weeks and asked to post a final approved version on Medium by June 12, 2019.

Questions should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief Laurence Butet-Roch

Looking forward to reading your contributions!

The Rough Draft Board of Editors.

