Trends Forecast №7: The Narrative of Breaking Bread

The Breakfast Club (#ibreakfastclub) — learning interaction design through shared meals. By Ramona Pringle

Yes. You read that right. Food.

Breaking bread is important to us, humans.

What do we do around the dinner table? We tell stories. Whether it’s a story from our day, shared around the table with family, or an epic tale to impress a group of colleagues at a gala, storytelling and meal time go hand in hand. But that’s not the only reason why we’re watching food, and the rituals that surround it, as a trend in narrative.

Meals are inherently interactive; how we break bread, why we share meals, and the traditions that go along with sharing food, can all teach us important lessons in experience design and social interactions, and inform the way we tell stories, and create narratives in this new era of immersive and experiential storytelling.

And in an era where we see a push towards a return to analog, and the growing popularity of offline experiences, meals offer endless insight into the rituals of interaction, and how we bond, share, and engage.



Ramona Pringle
Rough Draft: Media, Creativity and Society

Ramona is the Director of the Transmedia Zone and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Communication and Design at Ryerson University.