Denali Tietjen
Rough Draft Ventures
3 min readNov 14, 2017


Forbes announced today The 2018 Edition of the Forbes 30 Under 30, an encyclopedia of rising stars across the globe and perhaps the largest honor a young founder can receive. There’s a lot of synergy between the Rough Draft and Forbes 30 Under 30 platforms— both serve to support and level up the talented young people doing impactful work around us.

This year, we’re excited to join Forbes in celebrating twelve Rough Draft student founders who made this year’s list. Without further ado…

Founded at Harvard College, Legalist provides plaintiffs access to the funding necessary to take a case to court. Congrats, Eva and Christian!

Founded by a Cornell University dropout-turned-Thiel-Fellow, Maidbot is the world’s very first housekeeping robot for hotels. Her name is Rosie and she’s very cute. Congrats, Micah!

Co-founded by a Harvard College recent grad, Cobalt Robotics builds indoor robots for security, designed to work alongside human guards to provide better security than people can do alone. Their robot is also very cute. Congrats, Erik!

Started at Yale University, Spring Health has developed the world’s first machine learning model that aims to accurately identify which behavioral treatment that will work best for a patient. Congrats, April, Abhishek, and Adam!

Born out of Harvard & MIT, TetraScience is an IoT platform for remote laboratory management. Congrats, Spin!

Started by an MIT PhD student and a Brown University dropout-turned-Thiel-Fellow, Clara Health is a platform connecting qualified patients with groundbreaking clinical trials. Congrats, Evan & Sol!

Founded at Cornell Tech, Uru leverages computer vision for smarter ad placement. Congrats, Brunno!

Founded at MIT, Neuromesh is a managed security and intelligence platform for IoT devices. Neuromesh repurposing malicious hacker weapons for good and is often dubbed “a vaccine for IoT.” Congrats, Greg!

If you’re a student working on something cool–or know a student working on something cool– drop us a line at



Denali Tietjen
Rough Draft Ventures

Associate at @GeneralCatalyst, Platform at @RoughDraftVentures